Page 5 - CHINA WORLD No16号外-final-
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CHINA WORLD SUPPLEMENT 号外   APRIL 2017 / 2017 年 4 月 05

                                                                                                        SpaceCycle 以音乐为灵感,创造带动身心
                                                                                                        SpaceCylce creates a music inspired and soul-
                                                                                                        uplifting workout that injects positive energy
                                                                                                        into your day and goes well beyond a mere
                                                                                                        physical experience.
                随音乐动,更被感动                                                                               单车课堂拥有 4D 剧场式环境,在音乐、光

                SPACECYCLE                                                                              Cycling classes at SpaceCycle are held in an

                                                                                                        immersive 4D studio environment where music,
                                                                                                        lighting, graphics, and scents are synchronized to
                                                                                                        create the ultimate rhythmic party experience.

           Barre课程透过60分钟带您手扶把杆进行芭蕾动作,亦有弹力球训练释放身体压力。                           瑜伽课程采用 CoreFlow。其动作序列源于传统的动态瑜伽(vinyasa yoga)与现
           在这里,你会发现点点滴滴的汗水塑造出更健美的自己!                                          代物理治疗,发展强健的身体中线力量、提升关节活动度以及动作控制能力。
           A perfect intro for anyone interested in learning more about barre. This 60-minute class   The sequence of Coreflow has its roots in traditional vinyasa yoga and modern physical
           provides you with an overview of the fundamental movements and positions for an   therapy, with potent combination of yoga, movement, breath work and music trains, to
           effective barre workout. Be prepared to see big changes in your body just from these small   develop a strong, toned midline as well as joint mobility and better motor control.
           range movements!

                                                                              JF 皇家茶馆推出威士忌烧烤猪肋排

                                                                              新鲜的猪肋排搭配 JF 秘制的烧烤酱辅以威士忌的浓烈香气,口感层次丰富,主厨
                                                                                  北区 3B215        8535 1625
                                                                              JF ROYAL TEA HOUSE WHISKY SAUCE WITH

                                                                              PORK RIBS

                                                                              High quality fresh pork rib was selected by JF Royal Tea House, and baked with JF secret
                                                                              Barbecue sauce and aroma of whisky, which performed very well. Toasted potatoes and
                                                                              asparagus and green salad was chosen by Chef Pepin, in order to balance the strong flavour
                                                                              of the rib and bring you a nice dining experience. Why not meet your friends and family with
                                                                              the delicious ‘Whisky Sauce with Pork Ribs’ for relaxing? We are here to serve you!
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