Page 3 - CHINA WORLD No30 六月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD JUNE 2018 / 2018 年 6 月刊 03
国贸商城荣膺 ICSC 金奖
售商大奖颁奖典礼”于 4 月 20 日在上海举行,该奖项是中国购物中心领域水平
最高的奖项。《国贸三期 B 阶段项目国贸商城开业》和《国贸商城“国贸故宫贺
新年”主题活动》分别从 100 多个参评项目中脱颖而出。其中国贸三期 B 阶段项
目获得“设计和开发类改造 / 扩建项目”金奖,故宫贺新年项目获得“营销类”
并购机遇;千禧一代和 Z 世代的消费聚焦体验、定制化和社会意识等。来自世界
各地的 300 多位商业地产行业的领袖与会并交流。
The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) announced in Shanghai the
recipients of the 2018 ICSC China Shopping Centre and Retailer Awards, recognizing
excellence, innovation and creativity within China’s retail real estate industry.
Thirty-seven exemplary retail properties, initiatives, and stores were honored for
outstanding achievement across four categories: traditional marketing, emerging
technology, new retail concepts and design and development.
Out of the more than 100 dynamic properties nominated, China World Mall was awarded
the gold award in the design and development category, a project recognized for its
noteworthy renovation and conceptual design. The China World and the Palace Museum
Celebrate Chinese New Year Event Series was also honored among the finalists.
Themed “Innovation, Convergence and Consumption in the New Retail Age,” the
conference attracted more than 300 representatives of retail leaders from around the
world who shared insights and options. Topics included the use of technology like
Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, smart retail and customer-relationship management
(CRM) systems. There were insights into the exhilarating trend of crossovers,
collaboration and mergers and acquisitions, with ideas for winning over millennial and
Generation Z.
春之律动 圆满收官
4 月 9 日至 5 月 6 日国贸商城成功举办“春之律动·约在国贸”活动。时尚盒子
修复专题讲座大获各方好评。5 月 25 日,故宫文物医院的杨泽华老师带来了关于
“托画心”的讲座,让顾客领略国宾级体验。6 月更有屈峰老师的木器修复大师课,
The successful Style Must Go On campaign from April 9 to May 6 offered the dazzling
showcases of spring and summer fashion including the new vision of avant-garde
The Spring Living Room of delights and games collaborated with leading brands,
attracted patrons and boosted sales.
Upholding the strategic cooperation with the Palace Museum, the Master Lecture
Series 2 received compliments for the speech by Ji Dongge, a young expert on ceramic
restoration. Yang Zehua of the Conservation Scientific Laboratory at the Forbidden
City, gave another fine lecture about the craft of picture framing, which has been the
presidential-class prestige. Are you passionate about art restoration? Pre-register via
WeChat for the Master Lecture 3 on wooden artworks restoration by Qu Feng from the
Palace Museum in June.