Page 16 - CHINA WORLD No53七月刊
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CHINA WORLD JULY 2020 / 2020 年 7 月刊 16
2020 年,值夏宫开业三十周年之际,经历数月的匠心筹备,中餐 In 2020, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the opening of Summer Palace, after
厅行政总厨陈坚领衔演绎,在保留原有经典菜式的基础上,融入更 months of preparation, the Executive Chef of our Chinese restaurant, Chef Kenny Chan, will
多元化的餐饮元素,为宾客呈献全新的美馔和用餐体验。 bring a new experience to guests by incorporating more diversified catering elements on the
1990 年,夏宫应运而生,主打传统地道的粤菜。作为京城粤菜的翘楚, basis of retaining the original classic dishes.
夏宫开启了国外友人对中国餐饮的全新认知。在还使用外汇券的时 In the early 1990s, Summer Palace became one of Beijing’s premier destinations for
代,圆桌式中式宴请是中外友人商务交流的桥梁。2008 年,北京奥 Cantonese cuisine. Chinese and foreign diners, alike, gathered around the restaurant’s tables
运喜迎八方来客,淮扬菜让中外友人分外青睐。在保留粤式经典的 to taste classic dishes while making new connections. The addition of Huaiyang cuisine in
同时,融入淮扬菜系,是夏宫发展历程中的点睛之笔。2019 年,夏 2008 completed Summer Palace’s culinary offering. Huaiyang cuisine dates all the way back
宫再次献上诚意之作,由香格里拉集团烤鸭形象大使和烤鸭研制专 to the Spring and Autumn period and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties, a favourite
家袁超英大师为饕餮食客们带来他精心打造的枣木烤鸭。夏宫 30 年 of scholars and poets. In 2019, the latest treat to greet diners is traditional Peking Duck.
的品牌传承,坚守“工匠精神”,潜心钻研饮食美学,为中国餐饮 Developed by Shangri-La Group’s Peking Duck ambassador, Chef Yuan Chaoying, the date
文化续写美味篇章。 wood-roasted duck is the perfect tribute to Summer Palace’s home city of Beijing. Delve into
夏宫中餐厅的行政总厨陈坚师傅出生于素有粤菜美食之乡之称的香 the heart of Chinese cuisine at Summer Palace, where new chapters of culinary history are
港,自小就在色香味美的粤菜佳肴环境中耳濡目染,深谙其菜系精髓, being written on the plate every day.
至今已经拥有 30 多年的烹饪经验。多年以来陈坚师傅对食材有很 Summer Palace’s Executive Chef, Kenny Chan, was born in Hong Kong and has more than
高的要求,并因此热爱找寻鲜美食材,每一年,陈师傅都会亲自前 thirty years of experience in the kitchen, much of it focused on Cantonese cuisine. He has
往各美食之乡进行探索,从本味食材的鲜美中获得灵感,来为夏宫 always been committed to using the highest-quality ingredients and is passionate about
餐厅研发令味蕾享受的应季菜品,每一次新菜的推出,都会让食客 discovering new dishes and techniques. Every year, he travels the country researching and
感受美味直抵内心的魅力。 uncovering new dishes to add to the restaurant’s seasonal menus.
夏宫共设有六个雅间包房和一个半独立包房。雅间包房独立入口设 Summer Palace has six private dining rooms and one semi-private dining room, each of which
计巧妙,客人可从大厅直接进入。每个雅间包房可容纳 12 至 20 位 can seat twelve to twenty people. The private rooms are elegantly appointed with crystal
客人,包房内装有平面液晶电视和晶莹剔透的水晶灯,可为客人营 light fittings and LCD TV screens to meet the needs of a diverse range of events. The largest
造愉悦温馨的用餐环境。最大的雅间包房内还设有独立优雅盥洗室。 private dining room is also equipped with a private bathroom.
夏宫餐厅大厅有 120 个座位,加上包房座位,总共可容纳约 210 位宾客。 Summer Palace seats 120 people in the main restaurant, with seating available for 210 people, including
营业时间为上午 11:00 至下午 2:30 及下午 5:30 至晚上 9 点。 the private dining rooms. Lunch is served from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and dinner is served daily from
预订请致电(86 10)6505 2266 转 34 或发送电子邮件至: 5:30 to 9 p.m. For more information and to make a reservation, guests may call (86 10) 6505 2266 ext.。 34 or send an email to