Page 19 - CHINA WORLD No58十二月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD DECEMBER 2020 / 2020 年 12 月刊 19
JEN 北京新国贸饭店履行
2020 will go down in the history books as an extraordinary year.
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, JEN Beijing by Shangri-La
quickly elevated its already rigorous hygiene and safety standards.
在突如其来的疫情面前,JEN 北京新国贸饭店积极响应上级号召,履行“安心守 As the city reopens and travel begins to resume, health and safety remains at the top
护承诺”,全方位多角度开展经营工作,砥砺前行促发展。 of travellers’ minds. As part of our preparations to combat the risk of COVID-19 so that
酒店采取了积极的卫生防范措施,保障客人和员工的健康安全。这些措施包括 guests can feel safe when staying at or visiting JEN Beijing, the hotel has taken a series of
precautionary measures.
工提供体温测量,以及提醒员工保持严格的卫生习惯等。为助力全方位复工复产, These include increased disinfection to guestrooms, public areas and high-touch surfaces
酒店在 5 月举办精酿啤酒节,鼓励宾客前往鲜啤吧户外花园,享受久违的阳光 with the use of medical-grade sanitizers; enhanced food safety practices; temperature
温暖。9 月,酒店推出“焕然新生”健康客房套餐项目,通过三天两晚入住体验, checks for staff and guests, and increased training and development for hotel staff on
为宾客提供丰富的运动体验和 30 天的训练计划,为热爱健身或渴望改变的宾客 essential prevention measures.
As enhanced hygiene protocols became our ‘new normal’, the hotel offered new activities
提供优质建议和专业指导。10 月,举办北京设计周潮流艺术展,将酒店打造充
满艺术氛围的创想乐园,让艺术环抱宾客左右。同时,炼·工场每月开展的户外 and promotions to bring guests great food, physical and mental wellbeing, and much-
活动,也让宾客一扫沉闷,皮划艇、户外跑、斯巴达勇士赛、户外瑜伽等等课程, needed fun. When the city’s workers returned to their offices, Beersmith’s sunny terrace
均让宾客体验前所未有的运动项目。 offered a place to unwind over craft beer and pub fare, with plenty of fresh air and space
开展所有活动的同时,JEN 北京新国贸饭店严格执行“安心守护承诺”,让宾客 for physical distancing.
In September, we launched the JEN Active Weekend room package. A three-day, two-
night experience, JEN Active Weekend draws on the expertise of our master
coaches and chefs to help guests take charge of their wellbeing and make
meaningful changes. This autumn we also once again partnered with leading
platform Beijing Design Week to host a public art exhibition. Outside of the hotel,
our state-of-the-art fitness center Trainyard has organized a series of outdoor
community workouts.
As the pandemic continues to evolve, our team will continue to review and
elevate its standards and practices. These measures will be updated based on local
requirements to ensure they meet evolving customer needs and expectations. We
are optimistic that there are always more good times to come, and JEN Beijing
will continue to provide guests and travellers a better experience.