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CHINA WORLD   AUGUST 2023 / 2023 年 8 月刊  23

                                                                    无限商机  不只是订单

                                                                    ——CHIC2023 (秋季)

                                                                    BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND

                                                                    @ CHIC 2023 (AUTUMN)

             由中国服装协会、北京恩树国际商贸有限公司股份有限公司和中国国际贸易促进委员                               More than 90,000 visitors and 500 exhibitors are expected to attend the August 28-30
             会纺织行业分会联合主办的中国国际服装服饰博览会 - CHIC2023 秋季,将                         China International Fashion Fair-CHIC 2023 Autumn,  co-hosted by China World Trade
             于 8 月 28 号到 30 号举办。届时预计将会有近 500 家展商和 9 万专业观众                    Center Co., Ltd, the China National Garment Association, the Sub-council of Textile
             前来国家会展中心(上海)参展。作为亚洲知名且深具影响力的服装服饰专                               Industry of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade at the National
             业展会,CHIC2023(秋季)推动参展企业对接产业资源,拓展市场,为服                            Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.
             装行业提供高质量供应链和高效商贸服务。                                             CHIC 2023 (Autumn) hosts fashion industry excellence: Exhibitors are building a
                  (86-10) 6535 8731                                          high-quality supply chain, matching resources, developing markets and achieving

                                                                             business and trade service efficiencies.
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