Page 1 - CHINA WORLD No97八月刊-240801
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          China WorldAug 2024 2024   8  月刊
             A monthly bulletin bringing you all the latest China World Trade Center news and information  每月带给您北京恩树国际商贸有限公司的最新讯息


                                                          IS HERE!

             HOUR                                         即刻出发

                                                                              款酒水 / 饮品 HAPPY HOUR,为盛夏周末带来“买一赠一”福利。
                                                                              同期,多重玩乐体验尽在今夏商城:>8.3-4:VENCHI GELATO BOYS 快乐派
                                                                              送冰淇淋。> 即日起至 8.12:超级小黄人登入景茂街。> 即日至 8.22:打卡福
                                                                              楼 CITY WALK,收获法式大礼包。>8.10:夏日派对将拉美热情带入国贸露台。
                                                                              8.31:露台电音派对用音乐告别燥热,迎接秋天。>8 月(每周六、日,8.10&31
                                                                              除外): 露台爵士韵律回荡。
                                                                              The Mall, China World Summit Wing and JEN Beijing restaurant and bars are cooperating to
                                                                              offer buy-one-get-one-free on over 100 drinks.
                                                                              Don’t miss out on other offers this summer: >August 3-4: Venchi Gelato boys will be
                                                                              giving away free gelato around the Mall. >Till August 12: Minions at Jingmao Street.
                                                                              >Till August 22: Pick up a City Walk map to visit eateries and stores for a chance to win
                                                                              a French gift hamper. >August 10: Groove to the rhythms of Latin music at the Terrace.
                                                                              >August 31: Embrace the approaching autumn with a terrace e-music party. >Every August
                                                                              weekend day (except Saturday August 10 & 31): jazz rhythm echoes at the terrace.
                                                                              * Happy Hour:时间为即日起至 8 月 31 日,逢周五、六、日,每日 15:00-20:00。* City Walk:顾客至福楼·艺
                                                                              面就餐领取地图,打卡福楼·艺面、福楼毕斯罗、福楼·爵士星空、ROOT 85;及娇兰、欧舒丹、小帆船等进行集
                                                                              章,收获法式大礼包。* 活动或有异动,具体以实际为准。
                                                                              * Happy Hour 3-8 pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday till August 31.  * City Walk: Customers who dine at Leo by Flo can
                                                                              collect a special map. Using this map, they can visit and collect stamps at Leo, Root 85, F.Bistronome, Etoile, Guerlain,
                                                                              L’Occitane and Petit Bateau for a chance to win a French hamper.  * Offer may vary. Subject to actual conditions.
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