Page 14 - 2016-12-2017-01
P. 14
CHINA WORLD DECEMBER 2016 - JANUARY 2017 / 新年特刊 14
迎喜迎春迎富贵,接财接福接平安!中国大饭店夏宫餐厅为您打造喜庆年夜饭团 Celebrate the festive season with a joyous gathering of your work colleagues, family or
圆宴,亲朋挚友齐欢聚,饮茗茶品美馔,欢度甜美佳节。 close friends at Summer Palace during the festive season.
金鸡贺岁,夏宫餐厅为宾客准备了两款温情满满的年夜饭套餐 -“五福临门”年夜 Welcome the New Year of the Rooster with Summer Palace's Spring Festival menus
饭套餐(每桌人民币 3,980 元 / 桌 /10 位)及“六彩华珍”年夜饭套餐(人民币 4,980 include the Good Fortune Reunion Set Menu (RMB 3,980 per table for ten persons), Good
元 / 桌 /10 位)。 Harvest Reunion Set Menu (RMB4980 per table for ten persons).
直至 2017 年 2 月 11 日,中国大饭店 Along with a selection of two sumptuous festive set menus, you will be spoilt for choice
还为宾客提供全家福海鲜盆菜(美馔 by the array delectable celebratory takeaways which you will be available until 11 February
聚宝盆 / 人民币 1988 元,佳肴聚宝盆 2017. The traditional treats include the prosperous seafood pot (RMB1,988 for big
/ 人民币 1388 元)、年年有馀年糕、椰汁年糕、汤圆, seafood pot, RMB1,388 for small seafood pot), fortune fish rice cake, coconut milk cake,
或节日欢喜礼篮。 sweet dumplings with assorted stuffings, and bigger expressions such as festive hamper.
夏宫餐厅定会为您喜气洋洋的快乐节日更添惊喜! Make your New Year and Spring Festival celebration extra-special - call or visit our Summer
(86-10) 6505 2266 - 34, 6505 5838 Palace now!
德国珠宝世家华洛芙在北京唯一精品店落户中国大饭店, German luxury jewellery brand Wellendorff opens its sole
双方共同携手创作曼妙时光下午茶宴。自 2016 年 11 月 boutique at China World Hotel and the hotel create an elegant
30 日起至 2017 年 3 月 31 日期间,宾客可在酒店大堂 afternoon tea that will be served at the hotel’s Lobby Lounge
酒廊尽享舒雅下午茶宴。2016 年 11 月 30 日,50 多位 until 31 March 2017. More than 50 media guests and VIP
媒体和嘉宾共同出席了新闻发布会。 guests has participated the media launch party which was held
受华洛芙“真正的价值”严谨而至臻的工匠理念启发, at the hotel lobby on 30 November 2016.
中国大饭店饼房厨师长吴迪独具匠心特别设计出曼妙时 Inspired by the concept of Genuine Values, China World Hotel,
光下午茶宴,使得精致美馔与奢华珠宝迸发出绚烂华丽 Beijing’s Executive Pastry Chef Jonathan Wu will present a
的火花。 combination of culinary craftsmanship and precious jewels in
大堂酒廊在每周日下午 3 点至 5 点大堂酒廊有现场室 the special Wellendorff collection afternoon tea.
内乐表演,每月末的星期日还有幸运抽奖,华洛芙特 Guests can enjoy the beautiful Wellendorff Afternoon Tea in
别提供精美香槟杯! our Lobby Lounge and get a chance to win a surprise lucky
华洛芙系列精品下午茶宴每份人民币 298 元 *,每周 draw gift of Wellendorff champagne flute on the last Sunday
一至周日中午 12 点至下午 6 点在大堂酒廊有售。 of the month! Chamber music performance is available from
3pm to 5pm every Sunday while you sip on your tea.
The Wellendorff Afternoon Tea Set Menu is priced at RMB298*
per set and will be served at Lobby Lounge from Monday to
Sunday, noon to 6 p.m.
(86-10) 6505 2266 - 37
* 以上价格均为人民币,并需加收 10% 服务费及 6% 政府增值税
All prices are in RMB and are subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT.