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CHINA WORLD APRIL 2017 / 2017 年 4 月刊 02
新国贸饭店 —— 精酿啤酒坊
新国贸饭店的 Beersmith 精酿啤酒坊是国贸 CBD 地区唯一的美食酒吧,这里无疑 The only modern gastropub in Guomao’s CBD, Beersmith at Hotel Jen Beijing will be your
将会成为崇尚年轻的你社交畅饮的热门首选之地。 next favourite social playground.
采用当地和其他国家地区最优良的原料,结合不同的季节与温度,打造出 16 款独 Be spoiled for choice with up to 16 specialty and seasonal beers and ales daily. Using the
具特色的时令啤酒和麦芽酒,口味诱人,完美的融合了新旧两个啤酒世界。 best local and international ingredients, the menu is a mix of intriguing flavours that bring
在 Beersmith,你可以在自打吧区域选择不同口感的啤酒,然后倚靠着舒服的座 the best of new and old worlds together.
椅观赏自己钟爱的体育赛事。如果你感兴趣一睹啤酒酿造的过程,这里可以实现 Catch your favourite game on oversized screens at the Sports Zone while pouring beer
你的愿望。想知道自己的生肖在哪儿?在酿造区就可以找到答案。如果你觉得沉闷, from self-serve taps. At Brew Central, be part of the magic and see the brew culture come
打开桌面就可以轻松与朋友来一场桌球。Beersmith 精酿啤酒坊让你在当地景致 alive. Find your zodiac sign when you sit around the beer tower that has copper vats with
的映衬之下,谈笑风生,结交朋友,感受城市的动感节拍。 laser-cut Chinese zodiacs or play a game of pool at the multi-function tables which double
精酿啤酒坊位于新国贸饭店一层,营业时间为每天 12:00 至凌晨 2:00。 as a pool table or dining table. The gastropub is a place to mingle within the local scene,
make new connections and feel the pulse of the city.
认识一下这里的团队! Beersmith is located on the ground floor, and opens daily from 12:00pm to 2:00am.
“酿酒师”Tom 拥有新西兰最古老的奥塔哥大学食品科学学士学位,以及英国酿
造和蒸馏学院的专科文凭。他于 2014 年来到中国,先后在上海和北京多间知名啤 Meet The Team!
酒坊任职。他对质量监控的执着和娴熟的酿造技艺,体现出他独特的啤酒酿造理念, “Brewmaster” Tom Ashton is armed with Bachelor of Science with honours, majoring in
让他的手工啤酒一直保持其独树一帜的味道。“在 Beersmith 精酿啤酒坊,我们 Food Science from the University of Otago, and a Diploma in Brewing from the Institute
关注并监控酿造过程中的每一个环节,从原料到出品,确保每一杯啤酒都能带给 of Brewing and Distilling in the UK. Tom moved to China in 2014 where he had been
你最爽口的感觉。” involved in commissioning and managing breweries in both Shanghai and Beijing. His
宝瑞在北京拥有超过十年的啤酒酿造经验,擅长德国式啤酒的酿造。另一位成员 technical brewing experience and passion for quality control are strongly reflected in the
王鑫毕业于济南齐鲁大学,在此之前于上海嘉里大酒店的啤酒坊任职。 brewing philosophy and range of beers on offer. “At Beersmith, we take great care in
monitoring the process every step of the way, from grain to glass, to ensure maximum
enjoyment in every glass.”
Baorui brings his 10 years of brewing experience in Beijing and his strength lies in brewing
German-style beers. Will is a graduate of Qilu University of Technology in Jinan and brings
experience from our sister brewpub at Kerry Hotel Pudong.
Do You Know?
• Brewing Philosophy: Beersmith believes ingredients are the key to a great beer. The team
carefully selects quality and fresh ingredients to produce a broad range of premium
你知道吗? international beer styles.
• 我们的酿造理念 : 原料是一杯好啤酒的奠基石。我们会用严谨的态度挑选高质量 • The 1200-litre brewery is the first in Beijing’s CBD.
和新鲜的原料,酿造出一系列高品质的具有各国风格的啤酒。 • The bar boasts 16 taps which will pour a broad selection – from a traditional German
• 国贸 CBD 首间拥有 1200 升容量的酿造坊。 Pilsner, to New World style ales and experimental beers. Everyone will find something to
• 从传统型的德国比尔森啤酒到新西兰麦芽酒,再到具有本地特色的手工啤酒, suit their tastes, including a gluten-free option!
16 款不同口感,包括不含麸质的啤酒都可以在这里品尝到! • Besides a core beer selection, look out for a rotating menu of seasonal brews to
• 除了店选啤酒系列,定期推出的时令啤酒让你有机会品尝驻店酿酒师的灵感出 highlight the brewers’ creativity as well as occasional guest beers from our craft brewing
品,另外我们还将邀请本地甚至其他国家地区的酿酒师客座,让你大饱口福。 comrades in Beijing and beyond.