Page 6 - CHINA WORLD No16 四月刊-final-
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CHINA WORLD APRIL 2017 / 2017 年 4 月刊 06
Scene a Café introduces its brand-new sub-outlet,
Scene2Go, which offers guests a wide assortment
of savouries, including hot food, hotdogs and
sandwiches, salad, sushi yoghurt, fruits and
beverages on the go, providing a new experience
for efficient healthy meals.
The new Scene2Go shop opens daily from 10 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. It is conveniently located
within Scene a Café, which is connected to China World Mall, and offers guests a pleasing
咖啡苑创新美味外卖店 Scene2Go 全新开业,供应许多咸味食品:热食,热狗,三 menu combining a variety of tastes and nutrition.
明治;以及沙拉,寿司,酸奶,新鲜水果和各种饮品,为宾客提供一种时尚快捷, Chef Henry Kang’s bagel sandwich: Veteran Chief Baker Henry Kang has perfected the
营养健康的美食选择。 art of a freshly baked ‘soft’ bagel. Corned beef made from beef brisket marinated for 5 days
全新 Scene2Go 外卖店位于饭店咖啡苑自助餐厅内,与国贸商城紧密相连,为宾客 and slow cooked for 6 hours, a dash of mustard and a crunchy gherkin make the perfect
提供丰富多样的特色营养食品,其营业时间为每天上午 10 点至晚上 9 点。 filing for this bagel sandwich.
面包房厨师长康奕南师傅的面包圈三明治:资深面包师康奕南师傅为大家烘培新创 ‘Chirashi’ box: Better known as ‘sushi in a box. This is the ultimate Japanese rice box
产品 -“软”面包圈,搭配腌制五天,慢炖六小时制成的精选腌牛肉,爽脆腌嫩黄 complete with fresh salmon, tuna, prawn and egg toppings. Truly a complete meal that is
瓜及少许芥末酱, 完美配料搭配为宾客提供全新面包圈三明治。 simple, healthy and yummy.
日式寿司饭:又称‘寿司米饭’,融合了新鲜三文鱼、金枪鱼、大虾和三文鱼籽, Signature Cheesecakes: Rich and creamy cheesecakes crafted by acclaimed Executive
体现了简单健康,美味至上的食尚理念。 Pastry Chef Jonathan, who honed his culinary skills in various gourmet cities, including
招牌芝士蛋糕:如丝绸般细腻香甜的美食芝士蛋糕由饼房行政厨师长吴迪师傅精心 Japan, United States and France. Sweet lovers are spoilt with a host of cheesecake flavours,
制作,他曾到日本、美国、法国等多个美食城市参加过世界级甜品大师比赛。甜品 including Green Tea Cheesecake, New York Cheesecake, Lemon Cheesecake and Paris
爱好者一定会喜欢上他的芝士蛋糕:绿茶口味、纽约芝士蛋糕、巴黎芝士蛋糕、柠 Cheesecake.
檬及蓝莓口味,香甜嫩滑的甜美口味将带给你满满的幸福感。 “We are always looking for ways to delight our customers with new offerings. Scene2Go
“通过不断推出新的产品和服务另宾客喜出望外是我们不懈追求的目标。 offers a refreshing new dining option for our guests that are on the go and looking to have
Scene2Go 将为宾客带来耳目一新的简单健康及国际化的外卖快捷食品。”香格 simple, healthy and international variety in takeaway snacks or meals.” said Christopher
里拉酒店集团副总裁及中国大饭店总经理 林先生说到。 Chia, vice president of the Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts and general manager of China
(86-10) 6505 5838 World Hotel, Beijing.