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CHINA WORLD SUPPLEMENT 特刊   JUNE 2017 / 2017 年 6 月刊  08

           汉舍川菜馆:精细四川菜 地道勃艮第


           CUISINE & BOURGOGNE                                               Duck Blood in Chili Sauce, Dry-Fried Frog, Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil and Peppery Chicken, as

                                                                             the popular dishes in Sichuan-style restaurants, are not the whole parts of Sichuan cuisine.
                                                                             Even half of the real Sichuan dishes are not spicy but fresh, smoked, ginger-tasted, litchi flavor
           汉舍告诉您:毛血旺、干烧美蛙、水煮鱼、辣子鸡不是川菜的全部 ! 还有许多
                                                                             and so on.
                                                                             Madam Zhu’s Kitchen are so different in the menu that they refer to the tradition practice to
           汉舍川菜馆不走江湖菜的寻常路,引经据典反复实践,精选出近百道传统川菜,                               achieve almost one hundred traditional Sichuan dishes, some of which are from the scholar,
           有些来自于文人墨客,比如张大千宴请张学良的干烧鱼,李 人做的酒煮咸鸡,                               such as Dry-fried Fish offered by Zhang Daqian for Zhang Xueliang, Salt Chicken in Wine
           有些来自名馆,比如颐之时的一品海参,老四川的灯影牛肉,泉外楼的河水                                 created by Li Jie. Some of them are from famous restaurants, such as First Rank Trepang
           豆花。                                                               from Yinzhishi, Light Shadow Beef from Old Sichuan, and River Tofu Pudding from Quanwai

           汉舍川菜馆的酒单部分,因为钟情于当地的风土和酒农的匠人精神,最终选                                 Building.
           择了勃艮第单一产区的葡萄酒,并刻意保持酒单上酒品的数量不要太多,不                                 For the wine menu, we prefer the local customs and craftsman spirit and finally choose the
           造成点酒时的选择困难,同时,提高更换酒品的频次,满足因四季变幻口味                                 wine from the single Burgundy district, with a limitation in the wine brand quantity that
                                                                             won’t cause a difficulty in choosing and level up the changing frequency for seasons and
           这里的鸡尾酒单也大有来头,汉舍的好朋友 GN,2016  BACARDÍ 传世全球
                                                                             What is worth mentioning is that the cocktail list. Our good friend, GN won the
                                                                             championship of Global BACARDÍ Legacy Cocktail Competition in 2016 and came to
                                                                             Beijing from New York, bringing a list of cocktail specially made for our Sichuan Restaurant.
                                                                             At your afternoon tea time, welcome to taste and enjoy snack together with wine selected
                NL4019 北区 四层 L4, North Zone       8535 1627                  from this wine list.
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