Page 2 - CHINA WORLD No32 八月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   AUGUST 2018 / 2018 年 8 月刊  02

                                                                        GOOD LIFE EVERYDAY


                                               COLORFUL CARNIVALS

           甜品节、咖啡嘉年华以及国贸冰上嘉年华。                                                                      多美卡玩趣世界 TOMICA FUN WORLD
           China World is launching colorful activities: TOMICA campaign, the Woodstock of   国贸商城北区地下一层西段会员中心前(太平洋咖啡对面)
           Desserts Festival, Coffee Carnival and a show at the LeCool Ice Rink.  In front of the membership center, west section of B1, North Zone (facing Pacific Coffee), China World Mall
                                                                               展示微型城市场景、经典车模收藏,更有 VR 车手任务、停车考验、车型配对

           国贸多美嘉年华 TOMICA @ CHINA WORLD                                        等互动游戏。
                                                                               A mini urban scene features classic toy cars and interactive games including virtual
                                                                               reality driving, a driving test and car matchmaking.
            国贸商城中区及北区地下一层   B1, Middle Zone & North Zone, China World Mall
            多美卡 1970 年诞生于日本,被称为“男人的第一辆小汽车”。今年暑期,国
            贸商城将携手多美卡 TOMICA 举办《国贸多美嘉年华》主题特展活动。现场                                                   T-KUN 指引员 T-KUN GUIDES
            将有超过 1000 辆的多美卡珍藏合金玩具汽车模型,通过缤纷场景、亲子互动、                             国贸商城各服务台   Different concierges, China World Mall
            模型赏玩、限时店将打造一场汽车玩趣的盛会。                                              多美卡形象人物 T-Kun 及其家族成员将在国贸商城各服务台迎宾指引。
            Launched in Japan in 1970, TOMICA model toy cars have been dubbed a “man’s first   T-Kun and other cartoon characters from the TOMICA family will greet model car fans
            car.” During the summer vacation, the mall is joining hands with the brand to host the   at the concierge desks in the mall.
            TOMICA campaign, displaying more than 1,000 TOMICA toy alloy cars. The campaign
            offers a visual feast for TOMICA fans and fun parent-child interaction.
                                                                                                    时光走廊 TIME CORRIDOR

                                  多美卡限时店 TOMICA POPUP STORE                    国贸商城北区地下一层彩虹连廊   Rainbow corridor, B1, North Zone, China World Mall
                                                                               中国改革开放 40 周年、国贸成立 34 年的历程对标多美卡相应年代车型的发展,
            国贸商城北区东段地下一层中庭(观光电梯旁)                                              成为一道别致的时光艺术装置。
            B1 Atrium, North Zone (by sightseeing elevators), China World Mall
                                                                               China’s 40-year course of reform and opening-up and China World’s 34th anniversary
                                                                               match well with the development of TOMICA die cast toy vehicles.
            限量商品,将让车迷们满载而归。另有 300 台多美卡汽车模型整齐陈列,车迷
            们可以大饱眼福了。                                                         国贸伍德甜品节及咖啡嘉年华
                                                                              DESSERT FESTIVAL & COFFEE CARNIVAL
            Three-hundred TOMICA models are placed neatly in a store that looks like a classic
            London red double-decker bus. Limited edition Japanese and Hong Kong commodities   10:00-20:00, 8.24-8.26
            are available for sale.                                            国贸花园与共享际 @ 国贸   China World Garden & 5Lmeet@China World
                                                                               国贸、共享际 @ 国贸携手伍德吃托克,打造“不甜不见”甜品节。活动集合近
                                  多美卡缤纷车站 & 小小驾驶员                              百家优质品牌,呈现“甜品乐园”、“互动游戏”、“咸甜体验区”、“咖啡
                                  TOMICA COLORFUL STATION & LITTLE DRIVER      体验区”四大板块,让趣味主题元素融入消费场景,给生活方式爱好者带来艺术、

            国贸商城中区地下一层中庭   Atrium of B1, Middle Zone, China World Mall         餐饮、时尚跨界的甜品咖啡嘉年华。
            仿如迷你版的快速转接车站,多种造型的多美卡车子栩栩如生,您可在车站中                                 China World, the 5Lmeet@China World and Woodstock of Eating will jointly host a dessert
            来回穿梭,拍照打卡。                                                         festival featuring 100 brands. The event includes a dessert paradise, interactive games,
            The scene is like a mini bus rapid transit stop, ideal for taking photos with various   sweet and salty experience and coffee tasting in a carnival of art, catering and fashion.
            TOMICA cars.
                                                                              冰上嘉年华 CARNIVAL ON ICE
                                  城市快车道 URBAN FAST LANE                        18:30, 8.24

                                                                               国贸溜冰场   LeCool Ice Rink
            Projection screen in rainbow corridor at B1, North Zone, China World Mall  国贸溜冰场特邀乐队,打造冰上狂欢夜,配合精彩的冰上表演,为你带来 90
            从小朋友们的视角出发,多美卡汽车沿着国贸等北京城市地标行驶。                                     分钟的冰上狂欢!
            The screen shows TOMICA cars zooming down the fast lanes past Beijing landmarks,   The LeCool Ice Rink has invited a band to create a 90-minute happy session together
            including China World itself.                                      with the stunning shows on ice.
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