Page 7 - CHINA WORLD No32 八月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD AUGUST 2018 / 2018 年 8 月刊 07
为庆祝国贸日的到来,新国贸饭店推出多重优惠等你享! To celebrate China World Day, Hotel Jen Beijing launches more benefits.
新国贸饭店位于一楼的美食酒吧鲜啤吧拥有国贸区备受欢迎的精酿啤酒酿造设备, Beersmith is a propular gastropub in the Guomao area, brewing a refreshing selection of
其匠心巧思的各式啤酒将为宾客提供探索全球啤酒的不二之选。无论是和许久不 seasonable beers in cool copper vats. Beersmith is ideal for friends and colleagues to gather,
见的朋友一起畅饮,还是忙碌一天后的小酌,亦或是在这里谈笑风生、结交朋友, unwind and relax.
鲜啤吧将带来畅快的精酿体验和美好的社交时光。 On August 24, Friday, Beersmith will launch a China World Day Special Edition Celebration
8 月 24 日周五,为庆祝国贸日的到来,新国贸饭店酿酒团队特意酿造一款精酿鲜啤, Beer Series. 1 hour free beer for everyone during launch from 7-8pm on day. Presentation
晚 7 时至晚 8 时,新国贸饭店鲜啤吧还将推出精酿啤酒任意畅饮及小食畅享活动, by brewmaster. Free pass around snacks. Stay on for Friday Night special party with Soul
届时,来自英国的驻唱乐队 Soul Shake 和做客 DJ 还将为你带来一场特别演出! Shake and Guest DJ. Disco Gold Edition Night.
8 月 25 日周六,26 日周日上午 11 点至晚 9 点,鲜啤吧推出啤犬欢乐时光,享精 On August 25 and 26, Saturday and Sunday, there will be Mad Dag Happy Hour buy one get
酿啤酒、店选杯装葡萄酒、店选烈酒调饮买一得二! 8 月 25 日周六,Soul Shake one free from 11am to 9pm. Beersmith also have special party with Soul Shake that "Adele vs
还将带来“Adele vs Bruno Mars”主题表演! Bruno Mars" tribute night for you on August 25, Saturday.
新国贸饭店的全日制餐厅三五堂呈献地道本地美食和东南亚最受欢迎的特色佳肴, San Wu Tang, an all-day-dining restaurant overlooking Beijing’s skyline, provides guests with
宾客在享用美味的同时可以欣赏北京天际线的唯美景致。三五堂餐厅注重供应营 a unique South-East Asian dining experience while staying true to the local flavours. San
养平衡的菜肴,致力于打造真正的农场到餐桌体验,宾客享用的部分新鲜蔬菜采 Wu Tang provides a farm-to-table experience, where fresh vegetables harvested from the
自餐厅内的综合水培蔬菜生长系统。开放式的厨房设计让宾客随时观看厨师烹饪 hotel’s hydroponic area are served. Guests can enjoy the culinary action as the house chef
美食的制作过程。 prepares their orders at the show kitchen.
8 月 24 日,新国贸饭店行政副总厨高宁精选近 30 年来北京当红地道美食,为宾 On August 24, San Wu Tang will launch the Best of Beijing Cuisine featuring our own
客打造北京美食节,感受帝都魅力。8 月 24 日至 26 日三五堂推出四人同行仅付 Executive Sous Chef Jenny Gao. Showcase the best and most successful dishes that Jenny
三人价格活动! Gao prepared over the last 30 years. It is influenced by her curiosity for new flavors and hearty
与传统的商务中心不同,新国贸饭店全天开放的活力共享工作空间众·社在国贸 local authentic cuisine on August 24 with San Wu Tang buffet buy four at the price of three
日期间开展“联合国”主题演讲活动,宾客可在此畅谈的同时任享小食和软饮。 during China World Day.
8 月 26 日,大型瑜伽课也在众·社举行,当日还提供健康轻食及饮品。 Prototype goes against the grain of the traditional staid business center, presenting a vibrant
占地约3500平方米、24小时不间断开放的健身中心炼·工场,为宾客提供挑战自我, co-working space complete with a cafe, individual pods and private rooms. Prototype will
突破极限的运动体验。国贸日期间办理炼·工场会 hold an After Work Networking Event with guest speaker from “Un-conference” series
员可享 9 折优惠! during China World Day.
On August 26, there will be morning Yoga event in Function Room with specialist Yoga teacher.
The about 3,500-square-metre Trainyard Gym health club is open round the clock for guests
who wish to get their adrenalin pumping and reach new fitness heights.
During China World Day, Customer can enjoy 10% off for any membership purchase on day.