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CHINA WORLD SEPTEMBER 2018 / 2018 年 9 月刊 07
国贸中心获得“BOMA 中国”白金会员
2018 年 8 月 8 日下午,在国贸大酒店 6 层宴会厅,“BOMA 中国”为国贸中心开 The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) China Platinum Membership
展了主题为“BOMA 国际运营管理标准价值”的首场会员内训。写字楼部、商城部、 Training was held at the multi-purpose function hall of China World Summit Wing on
物业部、国贸物管公司等部门的多位领导及数十位员工代表前来参加培训,共同学 August 8 afternoon. Managers and staff representatives from China World Offices,
习国际商业地产运营管理标准和理念。“BOMA 中国”的两位商业地产专业人士为 China World Mall, Property Division and China World Property & Hotel Management
大家带来了精彩的培训课程,带领大家全面了解了商业地产发展情况及 BOMA 国 Co., Ltd., participated in the training run by the organization that focuses on international
际运营管理标准和体系概况。 commercial real estate operation management standards and concepts.
培训开始前,国贸写字楼部副总监杜鹃女士上台接受了“BOMA 中国”副主席 Two BOMA China commercial real estate professionals shared their comprehensive
Dominic Lau 先生向国贸中心颁发的“BOMA 中国”白金会员证书。 understanding of international commercial real estate management standards and the
development of the current commercial real estate.
Mr Dominic Lau, Vice President of BOMA China first issued a BOMA China platinum
membership certificate to China World Trade Center. Ms Du Juan, Deputy Director of
China World Offices, received it and thanked BOMA China.
In the ensuing BOMA training, Lau using his years of experience in the international office
building development and operations to deliver a detailed explanation of service culture,
international operation management standards and its importance to the BOMA China
business model.
在接下来的培训中,Dominic Lau 先生结合自己多年的国际写字楼开发与运营管理 Analyzing the successful cases of Jiaming Center and US Aon Center, Lau noted that even
经验,先后对 BOMA 中国所提供的服务、国际运营管理的标准以及此标准的重要 with a late start to commercial real estate in China, by adopting BOMA’s best practices
性进行了细致讲解,并对嘉铭中心和美国怡安中心两个成功案例进行讲述,做了精 and learning effective international industry methods allow higher operational efficiencies,
彩深入的剖析。Dominic Lau 先生说到:“中国商业地产行业起步较晚,通过学习 increase competitiveness, minimize risk and achieve maximum value for assets.
BOMA 最佳实践,掌握国际行业通用实效工具和最佳规程,能够帮助提升运营效率, BOMA China trainer Ms Yan Ni next gave an insight with a career-oriented course.
规避风险,提高竞争力,为资产价值提供最大程度的增值”。 Participants learned through various perspectives, for example, how commercial real estate
随后,“BOMA 中国”的培训师颜妮女士又为大家上了一堂关于 BOMA 中国职业 promotes the economic development, how long is a real estate employment cycle and
生涯的课程,她从商业地产行业如何带动经济发展、房地产就业周期、以及如何打 how to build commercial real estate career.
造商业地产人士的职业生涯等多个方面,为大家做了详实的阐述,勾勒了商业地产 Yan Ni gave a detailed explanation and shared her vision of a bright future in the
行业的美好前景。 commercial real estate industry.
培训持续将近 4 个小时,现场气氛融洽,讲师们的精彩分享赢得了到场人员的一致 Lasting about four hours, the training course enjoyed a generally positive atmosphere and
赞誉。大家纷纷在培训结束后与 Dominic Lau 先生和颜妮女士进行深度交流。相信 earned participants’ unanimous praise. By the end, attendees were communicating deeply
此次培训能够促进国贸中心人才能力和楼宇价值的提升,并提高国贸中心的整体运 with Lau and Yan Ni. It is believed the training will enhance professional team capabilities,
营管理水平。 develop better management of building projects and boost the overall value of buildings.