Page 19 - 再次更新-以此为准-CHINA WORLD No59一二月合刊-210110
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CCBA 中国精酿啤酒大赛大奖
I SEE YOU Uncontrollably Russian
IPA Passionate IPL Imperial Stout
灵兽 IPA 印度淡色拉格 IPL 帝国世涛
位于 JEN 北京新国贸饭店一层的美食餐吧鲜啤吧是北京 CBD 区域颇受欢迎的精 The destination for craft beer lovers in Beijing’s Central Business District, Beersmith took
酿酒吧,作为精酿酒粉聚集地,鲜啤吧日供十余款精酿啤酒和时令啤酒,每款 home awards in three categories at the 2020 China Craft Beer Awards. First launched
啤酒都颇具匠心,为宾客带来品质级体验。近期,鲜啤吧的酿酒大师们携带三 in Beijing in 2016, the China Craft Beer Awards (CCBA) is the first high-end professional
款精酿啤酒参加了 2020 年 CCBA 中国精酿啤酒大赛,斩获三项大奖。 competition for commercial craft beer brands in China.
CCBA 中国精酿啤酒大赛于 2016 年在北京正式启动,作为中国首个主打精酿啤 Over the last five years, it has recorded the swift rise and progress of China’s craft beer
酒的高端专业比赛,它充分记录了中国精酿行业的迅速发展和卓越进步,已逐 industry and has become the go-to platform for competitive development. The 2020
步成为精酿啤酒行业兵家必争的奖项。本届比赛共分 9 类风格大奖,历时 3 天, CCBA lasted three days and included five sessions, 20 professional industry judges, 49
包含 5 轮评审,由 20 名专业评委在 49 名专业酿酒大师、199 款精酿品牌和 professional craft sommeliers, 199 commercial craft brands and more than 1,000 entries.
1000 多个参赛作品中角逐胜者。 Beersmith, the gastro-pub and microbrewery from JEN Beijing by Shangri-La, took home
JEN 北京新国贸饭店鲜啤吧凭借其匠心巧思的酿造理念、国际级的酿造品质、稳 awards in three separate categories: our Russian Imperial Stout 2020 won the Silver Award
定、统一的酿造水准获评委的高度赞赏,鲜啤吧的三款参赛啤酒更是斩获三项 in the CCBA’s Port and Stout Category; Beersmith’s Uncontrollably Passionate IPL won the
不同分类大奖。帝国世涛荣获波特 & 世涛 · 经典组银奖,印度淡色拉格 IPL 获得 Bronze Award in the Lager Category; and our I See You IPA won the Bronze Award in the
拉格&混合啤酒·创新组铜奖,灵兽 IPA――获得印度淡色艾尔·经典组铜奖。每 East Coast India Pale Ale Category.
一款都颇具特色和创新性,让精酿酒粉儿爱不释手。 An annual seasonal special for Beersmith, our Russian Imperial Stout is not for the faint-
帝国世涛:这款俄罗斯帝国烈性黑啤酒是鲜啤吧的代表作之一,也是烈酒爱好 hearted. Rich, dark and strong, this stout clocks in at 11.9 percent ABV and has notes of
者每天必须挑战的精酿啤酒。这款高度啤酒拥有 12% 的酒精度,浓烈醇厚,色 smooth espresso, dark cacao and praline. A good companion for cold winter days.
泽漆黑,有甘草,巧克力和深色水果的味道,非常适合冬季温暖身体。 Hopped up generously with three types of hops imported from the US and Australia, I See
印度淡色拉格 IPL:作为混合品种,拥有橙子、百香果和柠檬的香气。酿酒大师 You is a classic US Midwest-inspired style IPA. This refreshing beer has a juicy tropical fruit
们特意低温发酵酿造四个星期,让这款啤酒拥有更具创意的柔滑和清爽口感。 aroma and a toasty malt flavour profile.
灵兽 IPA:选用澳洲啤酒花和美国啤酒花共同酿造,结合了美国中西部 IPA 的 Beersmith’s Uncontrollably Passionate IPL is a hybrid India Pale Lager that has prominent
灵感,使用了大量的维也纳麦芽,创造出了颇具热带水果气息和烤麦芽的香气, notes of lime, passionfruit and lemon peel. We let IPL mature at sub-zero temperatures for
享受味蕾间的相互碰撞。 four weeks – the result is an incredibly smooth and crisp palate.
JEN 北京新国贸饭店鲜啤吧致力于酿造精酿精品。我们的啤酒、苹果酒和微醺气 Located on the first floor of JEN Beijing, Beersmith is an award-winning microbrewery and
泡水都在自有的酿造工坊酿造。酿酒大师们全程监控生产过程,以保证每一批 one of Beijing’s most popular gastropubs. All of our craft beers, ciders and hard seltzers are
成品的新鲜和安全。同时,鲜啤吧的酿酒师团队,为了酿造上佳美酒,去各地 freshly brewed on-site and fermented in our showpiece Chinese Zodaic-embossed copper
寻找优质原料,并和国际酿酒大师合作,为精酿酒友们带来颇具国际视野,用 tanks. This means our beers are not only super fresh, but it also ensures that we have
心酿制的精酿啤酒。无论是初涉精酿的酒友,还是精酿发烧友,都可在这里找 complete control over the entire production process, from grain to glass. Our philosophy
到多种色香味俱佳的精酿。 at Beersmith is to source the freshest and highest quality imported and local ingredients
除了美酒,鲜啤吧还提供超多西式美食,优质的澳大利亚谷饲牛排、低脂的新 to produce a broad range of premium international beer styles. Our focus is quality and
膳肉素食汉堡、经典的啤酒薯条等等。想一饱鲜啤吧的风味吗?那就来吧!每 consistency, and we aim to give craft beer novices and seasoned drinkers alike the best
周一至每周五,下午 5 点至晚 8 点,所有精酿啤酒和苹果酒买一得二,每周六、 experience with a wide variety of flavours, aromas and styles of beer.
每周日中午 11 点至晚 9 点,所有啤酒仅需 35 元一品脱,让你一饱口福! In addition to great drinks, Beersmith has a full menu including classic pub fare, excellent
鲜啤吧还拥有户外露台,宽敞大吧台和舒适的就餐区,每周还有现场乐队带来 imported steaks and healthy low-calorie menu items including dishes using OmniPork
精彩演出或 DJ 秀,为宾客带来美好的社交时光。 alternative meat. Daily drink specials, monthly events and frequent live music make
Beersmith the ideal place to kick back with friends or colleagues in Beijing’s CBD.