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CHINA WORLD APRIL 2016 / 2016 年 4 月刊 08
从 4 月 28 日开始,一场被誉为“世界最美”表演的《CAVALIA·舞马》演出将
CAVALIA 剧团成员已于 3 月下旬陆续入住国贸世纪公寓。圆核 CAVALIA 剧团是由
加拿大 CAVALIA 剧团原班团员组成,从 2003 年诞生至今,《CAVALIA》已经在全
世界 70 多个大都会城市进行过巡演,观众累计多达 600 多万人次。此次北京之行,
初春的北京乍暖还寒,熙暖的午日阳光照得人浑身舒畅,但春风掠过依会刺痛面颊, TOP TROUPE CHOOSES CENTURY TOWERS
寂静了一个冬季的国贸公寓花园在开春后第一次施肥、满浇后,仿佛像王尔德笔下 Starting April 28, Canadian company Cavalia performs in the theater tent at Chaoyang
的为孩子们开放巨人的花园一样,瞬间触动了春芽胚胎的潜能,一时间处处色动微 Park in Beijing. The troupe launched its dazzling equestrian and performing arts show in the
寒,嫩蕊细开。 summer of 2003 and since then Cavalia has toured more than 70 cities around the world
春分刚过,迎春花便已撇开一切,带着春意纷纷绽开了笑脸,小巧玲珑的金花翠萼 and performed to 6 million people. The successful show demands exceptional comfort
从开始的星星点点没几日就变成了迷乱繁星,把角落、篱笆墙漆上了一丛丛、一簇 for performers and staff who must to be able to maintain their highly demanding mix of
簇的金色花纹;花园公主——玉兰花一换下毛茸茸的灰色冬装,红、白玉兰花便“参 acrobatics, dance, aerial stunts, live music, multimedia and special effects. After comparing
差佩玉排空出”,千花万蕊,皎洁秀丽,玲珑剔透,缀满在新叶未生的技干上,硕 high-class apartments in the capital, Cavalia chose China World Trade Center Century Towers
大的花朵,晶莹璀璨、艳美多姿;低调、朴实的雪松、华山松一如既往地挺立着深 apartment suites as their base in Beijing. Members of the troupe will begin moving into
绿色的身躯,在龙柏、桧柏等小弟的陪伴下像哨兵一样守护在花园四周;只有心如 Century Towers starting the end of March.
的花园还看不到蝴蝶,常见的就是蹦来跳去、相互追逐的麻雀,在小水坑里打滚、 五一小长假两居室套房优惠价 500 元 / 日
大雪松中,不时传出叽叽喳喳的鸟鸣。 亲们,五一小黄金假期马上就要到来啦!在这个春夏之交的季节里,国贸世纪公寓
公寓的小花园近 1 万平米,种植着 600 多棵树,灌木、草坪近 3000 平方米,四季 特推出温暖优惠价格活动:国贸中心客户只要在 2016 年 4 月 25 日至 2016 年 5 月
常有绿,三季有花开。每年春分前后开始修整花园,清除枯枝烂叶,施肥、浇灌, 8 日期间入住两居室套房,即享受人民币 500 元 / 日的优惠价。现在,想要出游的
清明节过后开始翻地,撒上草籽、花籽,补种树苗、花苗,更换树种,半个月的辛 盆友们就可以开始计划出游行程啦!
勤栽培,再两个月精心呵护,收获的是大树华盖、小树苍翠、青草泼地、满园芬芳。 (86-10) 6779 8030 / 6779 8035
今年的公寓小花园辟出了两块地,都在 50 平方米左右,您有兴趣为自己种下点什 APARTMENT @ 500 YUAN A DAY
OUR GARDEN AT CHINA WORLD APARTMENTS Move into a two-bedroom apartment between April 25 and May 8 at a special May Day
holiday price of 500 yuan a day.
We all eagerly anticipate for the first sign of spring! Here in our garden at China World
Apartments, you will be able to capture the beauty of springtime flowers and watch the
colors of the world come to life. Flowers are like diamonds in Nature’s crown. Their beauty
not only takes your breath away, it can also change your mood and lift your spirits. Simply
bring your family out to the garden for a fun filled afternoon and enjoy the warm weather.
For those of you who enjoy taking pictures, you may take this opportunity to make a
magnificent springtime album where you could share with your family and friends so that
they could also enjoy the awesome beauty of the place you have resided in Beijing.
We will be starting our landscaping project soon. We noticed two small garden spaces of
about 50sqm in our backyard, and residents are welcome to participate in our Apartments
planting to beautify our garden. Favorable time for planting is running out soon, if you are
interested, please let us know.