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CHINA WORLD   OCTOBER 2016 / 2016 年 10 月刊  10


                                                                                         CHINA WORLD SUPPORTS

                                                                   ORBIS FLYING EYE HOSPITAL

           2016 年 9 月 13 日,北京恩树国际商贸有限公司股份有限公司钟荣明副总经理、商城部梁                        On September 13, at the invitation of the Orbis International Flying Eye Hospital, Mr. Cheng
           小丹总监应邀来到沈阳桃仙机场,考察了国际奥比斯眼科飞机医院。                                    Yong Meng, Deputy General Manager of China World Trade Center Co Ltd., and Ms. Liang
           国际奥比斯是一个国际非政府组织,于 1982 年 3 月在美国休斯敦正式建立,一                          Xiaodan, Director of China World Mall, landed at Shenyang, the largest city in northeastern
           直致力于预防和治疗所有可避免的失明。奥比斯拥有世界上独一无二的眼科飞机                               China to visit the hospital and teaching facility located aboard an MD-10 aircraft.
           医院,自成立以来先后飞到全世界 90 多个国家和地区,仅在中国就培训了 6.4                           Orbis Global Medical Director Jonathan Lord welcomed his visitors and handed Cheng a
           万眼科医务工作者,170 万眼疾患者受益。                                             certificate of appreciation.
           奥比斯全新第三代麦道 -10 眼科飞机医院于今年 6 月在美国起航,沈阳项目是                           “It’s an honor that our distinguished guests from China World Trade Center would come
           其执行的全球首个医疗培训项目。奥比斯详细介绍了如何在飞机医院进行手术和                               and visit the Flying Eye Hospital,” Lord said.
           教学,展示了飞机医院上的医疗设备和医疗技术。奥比斯全球医疗总监乔纳森 . 洛                            He thanked China World for assisting the international non-profit non-governmental
           德先生向钟副总颁发了奥比斯的感谢状。                                                organization (NGO), founded in Houston in March 1982 with the mission of saving sight.
           乔纳森 . 洛德表示:“非常荣幸能够邀请到国贸中心领导来探访眼科飞机医院,                             The hospital has flown to 90 countries and regions, training 64,000 eye care personnel in China
           感谢国贸中心一直以来对奥比斯医疗救盲行动的支持和帮助”。                                      and helping 1.7 million patients worldwide. Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning Province, was the
           国贸中心长期帮助弱势群体,履行企业社会责任。自 2013 年国贸中心开始与国                            NGO’s first overseas medical training project. Classrooms, operating theaters and laser rooms are
           际奥比斯合作,通过捐款、义卖等形式,帮助治疗眼疾儿童和培训眼科医生,支                               aboard the plane where local medical personnel are able to watch surgery as well as simulations.
           持其防盲治盲工作。今年国贸中心圣诞亮灯仪式将继续与国际奥比斯合作,将善                               China World has supported Orbis International in training eye doctors and assisting
           举持之以恒,将企业社会责任进行得更加持续和深入。                                          children with eye diseases since 2013. China World and Orbis will cooperate together on a
                                                                             Christmas tree lighting ceremony later this year.

           BOUTHENTIQUE 入驻国贸商城                                                      BOUTHENTIQUE OPENS NEW STORE

           Bouthentique 一个将 Boutique 与 Authentic 精致与真实相融                            IN CHINA WORLD MALL
                                                                                    Bouthentique is a brand which means authentic boutique .Bouthentique insist on
                                                                                    the fine quality which is come from the artistic soul and sensitive poem. And also
                                                                                    stick with the artistic attitude to show the elegant style of contemporary about
           Bouthentique 2016 秋冬以「匠心」为主题,带着匠人的
                                                                                    the women.
                                                                                    The theme of Bouthentique 2016 autumn & winter is about craftsman with the
                                                                                    originality and endurance. Bouthentique want to convey the temperature, time,
                                                                                    space and spirit through those craftsmen who connect the past and future with
           2016 年 9 月 28 日—10 月 31 日,凡到店顾客,微信关
                                                                                    the hand and soul .They will take us through the virtual and the real to find the
           注品牌公众号,并同时添加店铺微信,即可获赠 200
                                                                                    immortal spirit.
           元现金券。(消费满 2000 元即可使用,原会员可享
                                                                                    Sep. 28 to Oct. 31, 2016
                                                                                    The customer will receive cash voucher  200 who adds Bouthentique public
                商城区域 3 地下一层 3B112  B1, ZONE 3
                                                                                    WeChat and the store  WeChat at the same time. (Customers to buy the full
               (86-10) 5961 1678
                                                                                    amount of  2000 can use  200 coupon. The Bouthentique’s members can use
                                                                                    the coupon after the discount. )
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