Page 4 - 2016-11
P. 4
CHINA WORLD NOVEMBER 2016 / 2016 年 11 月刊 04
Following stores’ exclusive promotions in China World Mall and getting Christmas best gifts!
12 月 20 至 25 日,到会员中心或服务台领取刊物 11 月 22 至 12 月 31 日,国贸商城金卡会员在本店购
SHOPPERS' CHRISTMAS EXPRESS,持刊到店享受 物满 1 万元即可获得 Pomellato 笔记本及书写笔套装;
9.5 折优惠。 钻石卡会员购物满 1 万元,享受 9 折礼遇。
From 20 Dec to 25 Dec, taking SHOPPERS’ CHRISTMAS From 22 Nov to 31 Dec, purchasing over 10,000, China
EXPRESS from membership center or concierges, upon World Mall Gold Card members can receive Pomellato
presentation of the magazine, you can enjoy 5% discount. notebook and a set of writing pen, meanwhile, Diamond
区域 1 一层 L133B L133B L1 ZONE1 Card members can enjoy 10% discount.
(86-10) 6505 1228 区域 1 地下一层 SB122B SB122B B1 ZONE1
(86-10) 8517 2053
SevenFriday 推出最新 Q 系列:采用 44.3x49.7mm
枕形表壳,12 月 12 至 25 日均有 9.5 折优惠。
11 月 20 日至 12 月 31 日,店内为您准备了 8.5 折的
SevenFriday will present its latest series Q series by using
44.3×49.7mm pillow-like watch case. The three types of
From 20 November to 31 December, we prepare selected
watches will be discounted by 5% from 12 to 25 Dec.
items with 15% discount for you.
区域 1 一层 L133B 3B117B B1 ZONE3
区域 1 地下一层 SB117 SB117 B1 ZONE1
(86-10) 8535 1066
(86-10) 6505 5668
12 月 8 日至 12 月 31 日全场 8 折,圣诞礼盒套装同
的客人,可获得价值 1480 元兔毛挂饰一枚。
From 15 December to 26 January, customers who spends
From 8 Dec to 31 Dec, all items will be discounted by
6500 or more will obtain a hang decoration made by
20%, Christmas limited edition of gift packages will be
rabbit hair worth 1480.
on sale.
区域 3 地下一层 3B117B SB123C B1 ZONE1
区域 2 地下一层 NB133 NB133 B1 ZONE2
(86-10) 6505 0729
(86-10) 8535 1639
12 月 23 日至明年 1 月 7 日,单件商品 9 折,两件商 LAFAYETTE 148 NEW YORK
品 8.8 折,三件商品 8.5 折。折后满 500 元赠送韩国 12 月 12 至 25 日 , 国贸商城持卡会员到店任意消费
丽德姿竹炭黑炭面膜一贴;满 1000 元赠送 IT'S SKIN 可以获得薰衣草球一个,购买羊绒大衣可以获得羊毛
能量石精华原液一瓶;满 3000 元赠送韩国 IT'S SKIN 围脖一条,购买皮毛一体大衣可以获得皮毛一体手袋
蜗牛霜一瓶。 一个。
From 23 Dec to 7 Jan next year, customers can enjoy 10% From 12 to 25 Dec, China World Mall members will
discount when purchasing one item; can enjoy 12% discount receive a lavender ball when purchasing items; will receive
when buying two items; can enjoy 15% discount when a wool scarf when purchasing a cashmere coat; will receive
purchasing three items. Customers will receive Leaders a fur handbag when purchasing a fur coat.
bamboo charcoal facial masks for consumption up to 500 区域 1 地下一层 WB115 WB115 B1 ZONE1
after discount; will receive It’s Skin Power 10 Formula for (86-10) 6505 7887
consumption up to 1000; will receive It’s Skin snail cream for
consumption up to 3000.
区域 2 地下一层 NB121&123
NB121&123 B1 ZONE2
(86-10) 8535 1066