Page 7 - CHINA WORLD No36 十二月刊-final
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CHINA WORLD   DECEMBER 2018 / 2018 年 12 月刊  07



                            CHINA WORLD HONORED


                                   A OFFICE BUILDING

           2018 年 10 月 30 日下午,以“优化营商环境、创新楼宇标准、引领高质量发展”                        China World Trade Center (“CWTC”) received multiple honors from Chaoyang District
           为主题的“朝阳区优化营商环境在行动大会”在北京柏悦酒店盛大召开。大会                                 optimizing business environment conference at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Beijing on
           现场发布了首批百强企业政策服务包及《CBD 楼宇品质分级评价标准》,同时                               October 30, 2018.
           对首批获评的超甲级和甲级楼宇进行授牌,并对 CBD 楼宇金牌管理员进行了                               CWTC was one of the first eight office buildings to be awarded the honor of six-star
           认证表彰。                                                              graded prime Grade A office building as awards were conferred on prime Grade A
           作为北京市和朝阳区的领军企业,国贸中心自入驻朝阳区以来,为北京市及朝                                 and Grade A rated office buildings.
           阳区经济社会发展做出了突出贡献,符合朝阳区重点企业服务政策,获得了“首                                Referencing to BOMA, LEED, WELL and other international green building evaluation
           批百强企业政策服务包”,享受涵盖人才服务、资金支持、政务服务三方面                                  systems, the Beijing CBD administration committee unveiled six evaluation modules
           十二项政策支持。                                                           to assess the construction and operation of buildings based on quantitative scientific
           此次大会发布的《CBD 楼宇品质分级评价标准》由北京 CBD 管委会创立,通                             indicators.
           过借鉴 BOMA、LEED、WELL、绿色建筑标识等国内外楼宇评价体系,北京                             In a speech to the afternoon conference, Mr Cheng Yong Meng, Deputy General
           CBD 管委会创新六大考评模块,科学量化测评楼宇的建设和运营情况进行评                                Manager of China World Trade Center Co., Ltd, praised the release of the criteria for
           定,并授予相应的星级标识。国贸中心在评定中脱颖而出,成为首批 8 家获评                               boosting guidance in the field of office buildings, updating management concepts,
           六星级超甲级楼宇的写字楼之一。值得一提的是,在大会认证表彰的 95 位北                               systematizing buildings and enterprises while establishing a bridge between the
           京 CBD 楼宇金牌管理员中,国贸写字楼部的部分管理人员及员工也名列其中。                              government and enterprises.
           作为百强企业及超甲级楼宇的代表,北京恩树国际商贸有限公司股份有限公司副总经                                  As a representative of the top 100 enterprises and prime Grade A buildings, Cheng told
           理钟荣明先生在会上做了精彩发言,他说 :“国贸中心的成长和发展,是北京                                conference attendees that the growth and development of CWTC was a microcosm of
           CBD 成长的一个缩影,是一部追求高品质,高质量的发展史。国贸中心一直                                broader Beijing CBD progress with its relentless pursuit of higher quality.
           秉承“争中国第一、创世界一流、铸国贸辉煌”的发展理念,为国内外宾客提                                 “CWTC has been adhering to a well-defined set of core values that strive to lead and
           供优质、高效、贴心、满意的服务。国贸中心取得的成就,离不开朝阳区政府                                 become a role model for China, inspire the world and create excellence with the aim of
           及 CBD 管委会在政策、管理、服务等方面给予的支持和帮助,离不开业界同                               providing high-quality, efficient, attentive and satisfactory services to both domestic and
           行们的相互配合。”他认为,《CBD 楼宇品质分级评价标准》的发布将会为                                foreign customers,” Cheng said.
           写字楼领域带来更多的指导,给各楼宇和入驻企业带来更多更新的管理理念和                                 “CWTC’s achievements cannot be attained without the support and assistance provided
           更加完善的体系,为政府和企业之间搭建起沟通交流和相互协作的桥梁,国贸                                 by the Chaoyang District government and the CBD administration committee in the areas
           中心也将会为朝阳区和 CBD 区域的蓬勃发展做出更加突出的贡献。”发言的                               of policy, management and service, and from the mutual cooperation of industry peers.”
           最后,钟荣明副总经理表达了对北京市及朝阳区政府给予国贸中心支持帮助的                                 At the end of his speech, Cheng thanked the Beijing and Chaoyang District
           感谢。                                                                governments for their support and help rendered to CWTC.
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