Page 4 - CHINA WORLD No39 三月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD MARCH 2019 / 2019 年 3 月刊 04
2019 年,蒂芙尼浪漫呈现全新
Tiffany True 系列订婚钻戒,将
对爱的无尽承诺化作一枚 Tiffany
True 钻戒,颂扬爱情的力量,
为爱冠冕。Tiffany True 系列订
路易威登 2019 春夏女装:未来蜃景 勒出爱情的轮廓,绽放无与伦
将成为继举世闻名的蒂芙尼 The
对旅行的热情是路易威登固有的品牌精神。不过,于虚无之 A passion for travel is inherent to the Louis Vuitton House, but shall Tiffany Setting 六爪镶嵌钻戒之
中辟出一处奇幻异界可否胜过真实的旅行?在全新女士系列 the creation of one’s own world even surpass physical voyages? The 后的又一经典之作,抒写蒂芙尼
中,女装艺术总监 Nicolas Ghesquière 便以海市蜃楼的幻 starting point of the new women's collection by Nicolas Ghesquière 的隽永传奇。
象作为设计构思的源点,如梦似幻的海市蜃楼影影绰绰,奇 is the idea of mirages, fantastical shores that become precious
3L101 北区一层 , L1, North Zone
想的浪涛为每一位旅行者留下珍存心间的回忆。“海市蜃楼 memories for every traveler. Mirage, from the Latin “mirare,” means (86-10) 5961 1018
(Mirage)”一语源自拉丁词“mirare”,意为“满目惊叹 ‘seeing with astonishment,’ perhaps an apt description of fashion's
的凝望”。这不正是对时尚的终极追求吗? essential mission.
作品中古典主义精神与充满异域风情的场景形成了奇妙的平 At the collection, classicism counterbalances exotic locales. The
衡,精巧无比的手工技艺与硬朗的游牧风格对比鲜明。服装 refinement of savoir-faire contrasts with the hardiness of nomadic
上的浮雕装饰栩栩如生,而色彩与图案的交相辉映则将一段 equipment. The clothes’reliefs create panoramas unto themselves.
传奇娓娓道来。充满未来感的图案与色彩艳丽的花卉以及经 The confrontation of colors and motifs recount a tale of adventure.
典的 Monogram 花纹相映成趣,创造极富层次感的魅力外观。 Futuristic graphics contrasted with colorful floral prints and classic
精细的剪裁、亮片刺绣网布与豪放宽松的衣袖设计,路易威 Monogram, contributing to a multi-layered allure. The maison's
登的优雅才思于细节之处显露无余。随处可见向路易威登经 savoir-faire was evident in the details such as precise tailoring,
典硬箱的致敬,如形似旅行箱、顶部配有手柄的手袋以及由 sequin-embroidered mesh and exaggerated sleeve constructions.
特殊皮革材质制成的 Petite Malles 包袋。 Reinterpretations of Louis Vuitton luggage abounded, including top
Nicolas Ghesquière 开启的这场对于剪裁的极致探索,实现 handled, suitcase-inspired handbags and exotic-skinned Petite Malles.
了不同元素的融合,无数充满象征意义的异域元素凝聚成此 Discovering the design, Nicolas Ghesquière embarked on an NEW ENGAGEMENT
系列的动人光采。 adventure of pure sartorial exploration, transporting us to a totally DESIGN: TIFFANY
L128 南区地下一层至二层 , B1-L2, South Zone new and imagined world composed of souvenirs of expeditions to TRUE
400-6588 555 faraway lands.
Tiffany & Co. released Tiffany True,
a new engagement ring is intended
as a new representation of modern
love. The design of the ring sits low
on the finger and favors strong
geometric lines, with a beveled “T”
subtly worked into the detailing,
discreet streamlined prongs that
blend seamlessly into the stone, and
a delicate band. The company has
symbolized the ultimate in love and
commitment with the invention
of the original Tiffany Setting.
Now the launch of Tiffany True
is dedicated to become another