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CHINA WORLD   MARCH 2019 / 2019 年 3 月刊  08

           顺时而食 二十四节气·食历





           中华的饮食文化源远流长,从古时起就讲究“不时不食,顺时而食”,顺应节                                Chinese culinary culture has long promoted the idea of eating with the seasons for health
           气变化而饮食,达到修养身心的目的。北京国贸大酒店红馆中餐厅,酒廊以及                                and wellness. Inspired by this tradition, three China World Summit Wing, Beijing venues, The
           云·酷酒吧,联袂推出“二十四节气·食历”菜单及鸡尾酒。以传统为根基,                                Red Chamber, The Lounge, and Atmosphere, have joined together to create a menu of food
           注入现代创新的构思,展示中国独特饮食文化的魅力。                                          and cocktails based around the 24 solar terms. The menu combines history and heritage with
           中国古人将一年分为二十四节气,用来指导农业生产,节气也与人们的日常生                                modern and innovative culinary techniques.
           活密不可分。2016 年 11 月 30 日,中国“二十四节气”被列入联合国教科文组                        The 24 solar terms were created in ancient China to guide agricultural activities based on
           织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录,再度唤醒了这一被日渐淡忘的传统文化,                                changes to the climate and natural phenomena. They greatly influenced many aspects of
           让越来越多的人开始重新学习和了解。                                                 people’s day-to-day life, including food, clothing, and festivals. On 30 November 2016, China’s
           北京国贸大酒店中餐行政主厨张嘉裕先生来自香港,具有高超厨艺的他在发扬                                24 solar terms were inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
           传统的同时尤其喜欢创新。他曾获得香港国际美食大赛金奖和加州士多啤梨美                                of Humanity, creating a renewed interest in understanding and learning from this important
           食创意大赛冠军等大奖。此次,他与他的厨师团队对二十四节气进行了深度研究,                              tradition.
           根据不同节气的气候特点,使用时令食材,为红馆中餐厅以及酒廊分别量身定                                China World Summit Wing, Beijing’s executive Chinese chef Menex hails from Hong Kong and
           做了“二十四节气”菜单。                                                      has a keen interest in passing on China’s unique culinary traditions. Together with his team, he
           立春代表着春季伊始,万物开始复苏,红馆推荐春饼配韭菜等,酒廊准备了炸                                conducted a study of the 24 solar terms and created menus for the Red Chamber and The
           春卷以及大枣枸杞山药汤;立夏以后的饮食原则是“春夏养阳”,此时胃病较                                Lounge based on the climate and seasonal ingredients available during each season.
           易发,应以清淡易消化为主,红馆推出金银蒜蒸丝瓜等,酒廊可选择青笋老鸭                                For example, for the solar term known as the Beginning of Spring, The Red Chamber has
           汤;立秋开始,气候会变得干燥,应多吃些润肺的食物;立冬作为冬天的开始,                               prepared traditional spring pancakes with Chinese chives, while The Lounge will be serving
           此时饮食应以增加热量为主,起居养生重点重防“寒”……每一个节气都提醒                                deep-fried spring rolls and a soup of jujubes, goji berries, and mountain yam. At the Beginning
           着人们调整饮食习惯,红馆中餐厅以及酒廊已贴心制定好菜单,在这一年里健                                of Summer, people are traditionally encouraged to eat light dishes that cool the body. The
           康养生。                                                              Red Chamber will serve steamed loofah with garlic and ginger, and The Lounge will serve a
           来自印度尼西亚的云·酷酒吧首席调酒师 Dicky Hartono,同样对中国传统文化                        light soup of duck broth and fresh bamboo shoots. As each season passes, a range of dishes
           着迷。他不仅对二十四节气进行了了解,还主动搜寻大量的资料,研究中国南                                geared around seasonal health with a view to tackle the effects of the changing weather, will be
           北方的特色风俗习惯,并从中汲取灵感,为雨水、小满、夏至、白露、秋分和                                showcased all without sacrificing flavour or presentation.
           大雪六个节气特别调制鸡尾酒,杯器也经过精挑细选,符合故事的背景。例如                                At Atmosphere, head mixologist Dicky Hartono has created six different cocktails inspired by
           为象征丰收的小满所调制的金大麦鸡尾酒,用威士忌和大麦茶调制,倒入中国                                six different solar terms: Rain Water, Lesser Fullness, Summer Solstice, White Dew, Autumn
           葫芦中,寓意成熟丰收。                                                       Equinox, and Heavy Snow. Each cocktail has a unique presentation style that matches its
           菜单上每一个节气的标识设计也是一大亮点,它们是北京国际设计周“二十四                                seasonal inspiration. For example, for Lesser Fullness, Dicky has created a unique blend of
           节气”标识系统设计大赛的专业组优秀作品之一,由设计师任靖根据每一个节                                Whisky, and barley tea served in a traditional Chinese calabash or bottle gourd, representing
           气的气候特点或人文情怀,贯穿了“流水祥云”元素所创作的系列标识。北京                                bountifulness during the harvest season.
           国际设计周的大赛已让世界了解并参与到中国传统文化的传承与创新中,北京                                Each solar term on the menu is labelled with a logo designed by Ren Jing, one of the
           国贸大酒店也积极参与其中,以美食美酒为载体,将“二十四节气”更加深入                                outstanding designers from the Beijing Design Week’s 24 Solar Terms Logo Design Competition.
           老百姓的生活中。                                                          The competition aims to create interest around and understanding of the 24 solar terms among
                (86-10) 8571 6459         bjcwsw  a new generation of consumers and China World Summit Wing, Beijing is honoured to be able
                                                                             to play its part by promoting this important aspect of cultural heritage through food.
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