Page 18 - CHINA WORLD No52六月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD JUNE 2020 / 2020 年 6 月刊 18
中国大饭店签约 GIADA,成立奢侈品
零售及高端餐饮品牌空间“GIADA CLUB”
北京时间五月十二日下午五点,中国大饭店及意大利奢侈品牌 GIADA 双方就 At 5 PM on 12 May 2020, China World Hotel, Beijing and Italian luxury brand GIADA
成立奢侈品零售及高端餐饮品牌空间“GIADA Club”事宜进行了签约仪式。 held a signing ceremony for the establishment of the GIADA Club. The GIADA Club will
GIADA Club 落成后将成为北京唯一一个集奢侈女装零售与高端餐饮为一体 be the one and only branded space integrating luxury womenswear and fine dining in
的生活方式品牌空间。香格里拉集团区域经理中国大饭店总经理卡佩克先生 Beijing. Area General Manager of China World Hotel, Beijing Mr. Stephen Kapek and
和 GIADA 大中华区总经理赵一铮先生出席签约,于此开启意大利艺术与中国 General Manager of GIADA Greater China Mr. Zhao Yizheng attended the signing
文化全新精彩合作的篇章。 ceremony, marking the start of a new chapter of cooperation and exchange between
GIADA Club 坐落于中国大饭店西区,总面积近 1000 平方米,开业后将成 Italian artistry and Chinese culture.
为集奢侈品零售及餐厅为一体的品牌空间,其中大堂层为 GIADA 精品专卖店, The GIADA Club will be located in the hotel’s west wing, with a total area of nearly 1,000
面积为 353 平方米;二层为 645 平方米,包含空中花园及室内区域,将联袂 square metres. The first floor is home to a 353-square-metre GIADA boutique, while the
意大利著名厨师,重金打造高端意大利餐厅。GIADA Club 的建筑风格将沿 645-square-metre second floor includes a dining space with a sky garden to create the
袭 GIADA 品牌精髓:极简,现代与优雅。将由被誉为“欧洲极简主义建筑之 ultimate Italian fine dining experience. The club’s architecture will echo the GIADA brand’s
父”的 Claudio Silvestrin 先生亲自操刀设计,他此前曾设计 GIADA 位于米 core values of minimalism, modernity, and elegance, and will be designed by Mr. Claudio
兰蒙特拿破仑大街的全球旗舰店。 Silvestrin, known as the master of contemporary European minimalism. Mr. Silvestrin
中国大饭店为北京地标性建筑之一,矗立于北京外交及商务活动的腹地―― previously designed GIADA’s global flagship store on Via Montenapoleone in Milan.
北京恩树国际商贸有限公司商圈,俯瞰 CBD 的摩登楼宇、川流不息的东三环街景及北 Standing in the heart of the business and diplomatic district, China World Hotel is a
京著名的大街东长安街,零距离感受都市脉搏。毗邻国贸商城,每年接待数 landmark with a key position in Beijing’s history. Overlooking Beijing’s most famous
百名国家元首及政要,开展上百场大型会议和国际商务活动。 street, East Chang’an Avenue, the hotel is surrounded by Beijing’s most iconic buildings,
GIADA Club 将典雅的意大利文化精髓,融入北京悠久而摩登的城市街道, with the bustling China World Mall located just next door. The hotel has welcomed
两种文化风格的碰撞间打造独特的精英人士社交空间,极致展露 GIADA 品牌 politicians and heads of state, held hundreds of international conferences.
精神与奢华之义。 The GIADA Club will combine the elegance of Italian design with Beijing’s historical and
GIADA Club 预计于今年十月中旬全新开业,北京将瞩目见证首都地标性建 modern charms. The fusion of these two cultures is set to offer urban elites a unique
筑与意大利奢侈品牌之间的开创性合作。 social space, showcasing GIADA’s brand ethos of luxury lifestyle.
Expected to open in October 2020, the GIADA Club will be a pioneering collaboration
between Beijing’s landmark destination and the Italian luxury brand.