Page 1 - CHINA WORLD No70一二月合刊-220120
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年  月
          China World 新年特刊                                                                                                     2022   1   - 2月
                                                                                                                               Jan - Feb 2022
             A monthly bulletin bringing you all the latest China World Trade Center news and information  每月带给您北京恩树国际商贸有限公司的最新讯息




                 A WARM WINTER

                 WELCOME TO THE

                 YEAR OF THE TIGER

                                                                                             2022 北京冰雪消费节在国贸商城正式开启。 1 月初至 2 月底,
                                                                                             国贸商城 2022“国风季”开年大秀,好戏连台。商城联袂
                                                                                             故宫博物院呈现“贺岁迎祥”悦读故宫文化创意展 、冰嬉主
                                                                                             配合 2022 北京冬奥主题,《冰雪云途》艺术家绘制雪板等

           A Beijing winter festival and a Chinese national festival kick off a range of
           exciting activities at the Mall this winter season as we prepare to embrace the
           Year of the Tiger. Artworks from the Forbidden City are exhibited from early
           January until late February. China World Trade Center and the China Wildlife
           Conservation Association stage a human and nature-themed photography
           exhibition. Snowboards decorated by artists are displayed at the Mall to
           celebrate the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
           China World team wishes all readers, guests and visitors a happy and
           prosperous Year of the Tiger!
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