Page 4 - 2016-07
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CHINA WORLD   JULY 2016 / 2016 年 7 月刊  04

                                                                                                    JF 皇家茶馆,

                                                                                                    与您相约盛夏 8 月

                                                                                                    JF 皇家茶馆,传承英国百年红茶美学生活,将英国皇
                                                                                                    宗的英式早午餐 Brunch 为你打开全天的味蕾,更有美
                                                                                                    JF 皇家茶馆试营业在即,VIP 会员火热招募中!为您奉
           POMELLATO        宝曼兰朵                        POMELLATO OPENS

           入驻国贸商城                                       NEW BOUTIQUE IN
                                                        CHINA WORLD MALL
           6 月 18 日,拥有欧洲“圈内人”珠宝之美誉的意大利
           高级珠宝品牌 POMELLATO 宝曼兰朵亮相国贸商城地
                                                        Unconventional and colourful, established in Milan in
                                                        1967, Pomellato stands out on the international scene for
                                                        its unique design, blending impeccable craftsmanship and   JF ROYAL TEAHOUSE COMING
                                                        contemporary spirit. Timeless and fashionable, the brand
           珠宝之谜”。                                                                                   SOON IN THIS SUMMER
                                                        was the first to introduce the prêt-à-porter vision into the
           为庆祝开幕,宝曼兰朵呈献品牌标志 Nudo 系列最新
                                                        world of jewellery. To celebrate its grand opening in Beijing   Concentrate on preserving classical English Afternoon Tea
                                                        China World Mall on June 18th, Pomellato presents new   aesthetics, perfectly combine with the Royal Fine Bone China
                                                        designs from its icon Nudo collection. Nudo, is, quite simply,   and English Afternoon Tea. Insisting on the selection of only
           脾之感。Nudo 系列从
                                                        the must-have. It has been since its launch in 2001. An ironic   non-polluted, healthy and organic ingredients that Michelin
           2001 年创立之初即风
                                                        and technically challenging take on the solitaire - so much so   chef will offer an original flavour for our guests. The guests who
                                                        that both the ring and the way stones are cut are copyright-  will be deserved traditional Brunch, delicious meal and fabulous
                                                        protected - it can be worn, piled, combined, experienced   English Afternoon Tea in JF Royal Teahouse. Welcome to join
                                                        in infinite, and infinitely personal ways, mixing colors and   in VIP membership and our guest who will be served with
                                                        textures however a woman prefers. In the period of opening,   fantastic gift and special offer when JF Royal Teahouse coming
                                                        customer with a purchase at Pomellato boutique wins the   in August! JF Royal Teahouse so pleasured to be with you to
                                                        opportunity to receive a gift box.          meet the first light of Day!
           新加坡第一除毛品牌 STRIP 和                                                  罗莱儿童(LUOLAI KIDS)一站式家居生活

           塑眉品牌 BROWHAUS 进驻北京国贸商城                                             馆登陆国贸商城

                                                                              罗莱儿童家居馆——北京首家一站式儿童家居生活馆于 6 月 16 日正式开幕。法
           来自新加坡 Spa-Esprit 旗下面部精致造型品牌 Browhaus 和全球脱毛专家 Strip 在
                                                                              式轻奢的儿童房设计,由国际顶尖儿童家居设计顾问 Bridget kelly 操刀。
           国贸商城区域 1 开设旗舰店。Browhaus 致力于提供时尚、安全的面部护理,并为
                                                                              秉承“简约而不简单”的设计理念, 为 0-14 岁孩子营造全方位的灵感空间。
           客户量身定制个性化的眉、眼和唇部精致造型。Strip 定位于提供专业全面的脱毛


           Specialty brow and lashes grooming salon Browhaus and World’s 1st concept hair
           removal salon Strip which are come from Spa-Esprit Group in Singapore have arrived at
           L204&L205, Zone1, China World Mall.
           Browhaus entirely dedicated to offer
           fashion and safe face treatments
           for customers, as well as a range of
           personalized brow, lashes and lip care                             LUOLAI KIDS GRAND OPENING
           services.                                                          @ CHINA WORLD MALL
           Strip features a full menu of hair removal
                                                                              LUOLAI KIDS opened their first all-in-one boutique in China World Mall on June 16.
           services, such as Brazilian waxing and
                                                                              The luxurious style of the kids’ room was designed by top consultant Bridget Kelly. The
           IPL(Intense Pulse Light) treatments for
                                                                              Nordic style inspires tots and children up to 14 years old. Luolai Kids creates fairy tale-
           hair removal and skin rejuvenation.
                                                                              like experiences.
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