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China WorldJul 2016 2016 7月刊
A monthly bulletin bringing you all the latest China World Trade Center news and information 每月带给您北京恩树国际商贸有限公司的最新讯息
国贸三期 B 阶段工程南起建国门外大街,北至光华路,内部精装现已完成,目前 The new-look China World Mall is undergoing its final interior decoration as the entire
工程进入全面收尾阶段。 Phase 3B project nears completion by the end of 2016.
国贸商城原有商业面积 10 万平米,新扩建部分约为 12 万平米,2016 年底将以全 With 120,000 square meters being added to the existing 100,000-square-meter space
新面貌呈现。它将不再仅仅是“高大上”的代名词,更是七天 24 小时的城中之城、 stretching from Jianguomenwai Avenue in the South to Guanghua Road in the North,
不夜之城。随着国贸大厦 B 座与国贸写字楼 2 座之间的国贸商城“风尚生活苑” the brand-new section of China World Mall promises to become a 24/7 sleepless city
的开业,国贸商城将以崭新姿态,迎接更多注重生活品质的年轻人士。 within a city for a younger generation with an eye for quality.
“风尚生活苑”涵盖潮流、时尚、运动、生活、创意餐吧、艺术咖啡、动感 KTV The Beijing Central Business District stands to gain an artistic glass curtain façade,
等丰富业态。全新现代感造型的玻璃幕墙,长达 200 米的炫彩天棚设计,以及首 a glamorous 200-meter-long ceiling and an unprecedented world-class decorative
次引进的国际顶级灯饰景观将为北京 CBD 增添一抹靓丽的风景线。 lighting system.
走进“风尚生活苑”,从地下一层至七层,宽敞明亮的购物环境、人性化设计、 Located between China World Tower B and China World Office 2, the brand-new
将带来耳目一新的购物体验。 Fashion & Lifestyle Arcade includes fashion, trends, sports, lifestyle, restaurants, cafés
一层的乐视生态超级旗舰店,除了汽车、手机、电视、VR 等物理体验,更有影视、 and karaoke. From ground floor to seventh floor, the new arcade is all about user-
体育、音乐、直播等内容的互动体验。在此,乐视七大生态完美落地,实现了科技、 friendly design and a refreshing shopping experience.
艺术与互联网的完美结合。其中,乐视与 Aston Martin、Faraday Future (简 LeEco flagship store on the first floor offers interactive experiences including film and
称 FF)强强联手,并推出的新一代互联网智能电动汽车 LeSEE,也将与大众见 TV, sports, music and live broadcasting as well as automobiles and cell phones. At the
面。在二层的生态互动区,您还可以近距离观看乐视超级汽车制造生产的全过程。 flagship shop, LeEco combines seven major features to forge a synergy of technology,
同时,二层也包含乐视体育专区及直播间,您将可以与全球最大的互联网体育 art and the Internet. Collaborating with Aston Martin and Faraday Future, LeEco
赛事平台近距离互动。在观赏体育赛事的同时,各类影视、音乐发布会也将不 promises to unveil LeSEE, a new generation internet-based smart electric vehicle.
定期举办,您将有机会以不同的形式与各领域明星面对面,全角度多维度的感 The ecological interactive zone on the second floor offers a closer look at the entire