Page 12 - 2016-11
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CHINA WORLD   NOVEMBER 2016 / 2016 年 11 月刊 12

           国贸公寓消防疏散演习                                                         国贸世纪公寓组织租户秋游活动

           2016 年 10 月 22 日,国贸公寓成功举办了公寓租户消防疏散演习。大约有 40 名工                     世纪公寓今年取得了良好的出租势头,整体出租率目前已达 90%,一批新租户入
           作人员和 80 名租户参加了这次演习,每个人都非常认真对待此演习活动。演习于                             住到世纪公寓。为提升租户与公寓的密切联系,世纪公寓组织租户开展以“登万
           10 时 30 分开始,通过应急广播同时在两栋公寓楼内播放火灾发生的紧急疏散信息。                          里长城,感受农家采摘乐趣”为主题的秋游活动,2016 年 9 月 25 日,世纪公寓
           租户听到广播后都快速沿消防楼梯下楼,大家紧张但不恐慌。参加演习的租户都被                               一行 40 人来到北京近郊著名的慕田峪长城,徒步登上有几百年历史印记的古城墙,
           引导到公寓对面的花园集中。本次演习的目的是为了使公寓租户熟悉疏散线路,以                               大家纷纷合影留念,经过 2 个多小时游览,美丽的风景让大家心情愉悦。中午享
           确保在紧急情况下快速和顺利的疏散,同时测试所有消防和应急设备的有效性。全                               用了丰盛的农家大餐后,我们来到采摘园,租户们亲自动手采摘各种水果和蔬菜,
           楼疏散大约用了 15 分钟。在演习集中地点,除了进行人数统计和安全简要指示外,                            当天租户们都是满载而归,圆满的结束了一整天的活动。参加活动的租户对公寓
           中心消防队也详细介绍了房间灭火器的正确使用方法 , 并指导租户们使用灭火器进                             组织的这次秋游活动给予了非常好的评价,拉近了相互间的距离,希望来年世纪
           行了实际灭火演练。消防演习在上午 11 时 30 分结束。总的来说,这项演习成功地                          公寓还能组织类似的活动。此次活动给每位租户都留下了一个美好的回忆。



           On 22 October 2016, China World Apartments successfully conducted its Fire Drill exercise.
           About 40 staff and 80 residents were involved in this exercise and everybody was taking
           this drill seriously. The drill started at 10.30am with activation of emergency announcement
           through public address system throughout the two buildings. Everyone was on high alert,
           there were no panic triggered and all residents were required to assemble at the assembly
           point, which is located at the garden opposite the Apartments. The objectives of this drill
           were to provide an orderly emergency response plan for all residents in house, to ensure
           fast and smooth evacuation of buildings and at the same time to test the effectiveness of
           all fire and emergency equipment in the buildings. The complete sweep of buildings took
           about 15 minutes. After a head count and safety briefing, our residents got hands on
           training with fire extinguishers conducted by our fire safety managers. The fire drill exercise
           closed at 11.30am. Overall, this exercise successfully met the safety objectives set by the
           Apartments team.

                                                                              TENANTS GROUP TAKES GREAT TRIP TO GREAT

                                                                              About 40 Century Towers tenants relished an outing to the Mutianyu Great Wall on
                                                                              September 25, with a bonus fruit and vegetable picking activity.
                                                                              Ascension took most climbers more than two hours but, the tenants agreed, was well
                                                                              worth it for the magnificent scenery.
                                                                              After a sumptuous rural lunch, the group picked fruit and vegetables in the orchard. All
                                                                              returned with full baskets and happy memories. Participants praised the trip for bringing
                                                                              them closer together and urged more such activities be organized.
                                                                              Increasing numbers of new tenants are arriving at Century Towers as occupancy shows
                                                                              strong momentum, already reaching 90 percent this year.
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