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China WorldMar 2017 2017 3月刊
A monthly bulletin bringing you all the latest China World Trade Center news and information 每月带给您北京恩树国际商贸有限公司的最新讯息
告别枯燥沉闷的会议形式,从这里开始!新国贸饭店打破常规理念,融合技 Leave boring meetings behind. Hotel Jen Beijing brings the comfort of home into the
术、舒适、功能、个性、娱乐为一体,将 1200 平米的会议空间营造如家一 office as technology, comfort, work, style and play converge in 1,200 square meters
般的舒适。 of awe-inspiring meeting space.
畅想灵感:逃离城市的喧嚣,置身于新国贸饭店 320 平米的联合办公空间。这 Flying solo: Get away from the hustle of the city and retreat to a modern 320-square-
里拥有舒适的座椅、个人工作间、随处可见的 USB 接口。您可放松随意地在此 meter co-working space. With comfy seats, individual pods and USB ports for aspiring
一边品尝美味小食一边商谈事务。咖啡甜品台紧邻联合办公空间,全天供应鲜 minds, plug in, grab a bite and get down to business. Next-door Kitchen To Go can
榨饮品和美味食品,方便您随时为大脑补充能量! supply brain food and fresh drinks well into the night.
灵活办公:容纳 3 至 300 人的独有的会议空间为会议主办方及组织者重新定 Run with the pack: With a capacity of 3-300 people, Hotel Jen Beijing’s meeting
义了会议的方式,帮助参与者开拓思路:生活化会议室不仅活力十足,而且充 spaces challenge organizers to redefine the way they meet: Lifestyle meeting rooms
满科技感。而行政会议室则为传统正式的会议提供选择空间。两种会议室均可 are energetic, reminiscent of modern tech company offices. Executive meeting rooms
进行开放式的洽谈交流,当然如果您需要一些私人空间,只要一键按钮,开启 put a cool spin on more traditional space. Both styles allow for open engagement and
SmartGlass 便可瞬间拥有独立场所。 conversation, as well as privacy – with smart glass at the touch of a button.
新国贸饭店的会议空间均配备多功能媒体墙,舒适的座椅和集成技术设备,允 Meeting rooms also feature media walls, comfortable seating and integrated
许多个设备同时连接屏幕以达共享效果。除此之外,镶嵌在墙内的电子白板不 technology setups with screen sharing for multiple devices. Brainstorming is made
仅能左右滑动,而且操作极为简单,方便您随时分享信息,开启头脑风暴! easy with user-friendly white boards built into mobile walls that slide for use.
378 平米的 DIY 多功能会议室没有设立拘束的设备,极简的场所让创意一触即发。 The 378 square-meter DIY multi-function room is a no-frills, minimalistic venue that
从装饰到设施都由您说了算! lets creativity run wild, from decoration to setup.