Page 8 - CHINA WORLD No15 三月刊-final
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CHINA WORLD   MARCH 2017 / 2017 年 3 月刊  08

                                                                              CHINA WORLD SUMMIT WING, BEIJING APPOINTS

                                                                              MOCHAMMAD FADLI AS HEAD BARTENDER OF


                                                                              Located on the 80th floor of China World Tower, Atmosphere at China World Summit
                                                                              Wing, Beijing has appointed Mochammad Fadli as head bartender.
                                                                              Armed with about 15 years of bar experience in Indonesia, Sydney, Dubai, Cambodia
                                                                              and Bahrain, Fadli will wow cocktail lovers in the capital city with his creativity and flair.
                                                                              An expert with mixing spirits with both common and local ingredients he can find in
                                                                              each city, Fadil is also committed to bringing new concoctions the bar.
                                                                              With Fadli’s arrival, guests can also savour a new cocktail menu including his original
                                                                              creations. Highlights include Metropolitan Sorbet, a lime-infused vodka-based
                                                                              concoction with creme de mure, fresh lime juice and cranberry juice. Great Green Wall
                                                                              is Fadli’s nod to unorthodox bar ingredients. Topped with homemade baby bok choy
                                                                              foam, the drink is made with gin, Poire Williams eau de vie, elderflower syrup, simple
                                                                              syrup and fresh lime juice. Guests can also savour Negroni Y2K, a twist to the classic
                                                                              Negroni and an award-winning drink that was included in The Negroni: A Gaz Regan
                                                                              Notion, a book on the classic drink written by Gary Regan, celebrated columnist and
                                                                              judge of several international world-class bar competitions.
                                                                              In his new role, Fadli hopes to fuse culinary and bar experiences by sharing inspiration
                                                                              with the hotel’s culinary team. He will bring in more familiar ingredients found in
                                                                              the kitchen, such as the common local vegetable, bok choy. He will add a breath of
           北京国贸大酒店任命 MOCHAMMAD FADLI 先生                                       refreshing air to the bar with cocktails featuring vegetables, including carrot, celery,
           为云·酷酒吧首席调酒师                                                        broccoli and spinach.

           在新的岗位上,Fadli 希望能向酒店的厨师团队汲取灵感,并和自身的酒吧经验相结合。
           花椰菜、菠菜等。Fadli 将把蔬菜元素运用到鸡尾酒的调制当中,这必将为云·酷酒吧
           Fadli 曾在印度尼西亚、悉尼、迪拜、柬埔寨、巴林工作过,拥有长达 15 年的酒吧工作
           经验。他的创新力和个人天分将让帝都的鸡尾酒爱好者们为之惊叹。Fadli 经常潜心探
           除现有鸡尾酒单外,宾客还可以品味来自 Fadli 的原创鸡尾酒。特别推荐包括都市雪葩,
           青柠皮浸渍伏特加作为基酒,加入吉发黑莓利口酒、鲜榨青柠汁和蔓越莓汁。Fadli 利
           木花糖浆、糖浆和鲜榨青柠汁调制而成。宾客还可细细品味经典的尼克罗尼 2000,将
           萨凯帕 23 年典藏朗姆酒、金巴利苦味酒、飘仙甜酒和味美思酒巧妙地组合在一起,加
           以橙皮装饰。这款鸡尾酒作为获奖作品被收录入《The Negroni: A Gaz Regan Notion》
           一书,该书由著名专栏作家并担任诸多世界级酒吧比赛评委的 Gary Regan 编撰。
                (86-10) 8571 6459


                                                                                                                   THUSDAY to SATURDAY

           除另有规定外,以上价格均为人民币,并须加收 10% 的服务费及在上述价格与服务费总额上计征的政府税及增值税。 Prices are in RMB and subject to 10% service charge, prevailing government taxes and value-added tax
           payable on the prices together with the service charge, unless otherwise stated.
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