Page 11 - CHINA WORLD No15 三月刊-final
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CHINA WORLD MARCH 2017 / 2017 年 3 月刊 11
每年的 3 月 8 日是国际劳工妇女节,这是一个为庆祝妇女在经济、政治和
社会等领域做出的重要贡献和取得的巨大成就而设立的节日。为庆祝这一节 去年三月的最后一个星期六,国贸饭店举办
日,北京国贸饭店特意推出 38 妇女节特惠,在妇女节当天,女性在餐厅用
餐可享受八折优惠。 生活能源的节约,以及对气候变化等环境问
38 WOMEN’S DAY 题的思考,表明对全球共同抵御气候变暖行
On 8 March every year is International Women’s Day, an established 最后一个星期六举办地球一小时活动,呼吁
holiday that celebrates women with contributions in the fields 大家保护地球,爱护地球。我们认为每个人
of economy, politics and society and those with remarkable 的一小步,是地球的一大步。
achievements. To celebrate this special day, Traders Hotel, Beijing
launches 38 Women’s Day benefits, which women who dine in the
restaurant will receive 20% discount.
8.30 PM SATURDAY 25 M ARCH 2017
Rib meat has rich nutritional value, in addition to
containing protein, fat and vitamins. It also contains 沙拉沙拉
a lot of calcium phosphate, collagen and bone glue EARTH HOUR
protein, among others. Moreover, it provides calcium and 沙拉可为人体提供大量营养,对健康有很大益处,绿 On the last Saturday of March last year, Traders
essential fatty acids for the human body and improves 色食物能为人体提供抗氧化剂,不仅能延缓衰老,还 Hotel, Beijing celebrated Earth Hour event
iron deficiency anaemia. T-Bazaar in Traders Hotel Beijing 能降低患病风险。北京国贸饭店三江咖啡厅现推出三 successfully to inspire people to reduce their
launches BBQ Ribs, a nutritional and delicious dish for 文鱼全麦沙拉、鸡肉脆面沙拉、明虾科布沙拉,为宾 energy consumption every day by considering
guests to enjoy. 客补充蛋白质,打造全面营养。这三款以最大程度保 environmental issues such as climate change.
This annual event represents support for
SALAD SALAD the international strategies to help solve the
problem of global warming. And same day
Salad provides a lot of nutrition for the human body, as
this year, Traders Hotel, Beijing will continue
it is of great benefit to health. Green food provides the
organizing Earth Hour activities and call on
body with antioxidants to not only slow down aging but
everyone to help protecting and be caring for
also reduce health risks. T-Bazaar in Traders Hotel Beijing
our planet. We believe that by taking simple
offers Salmon Salad, Chicken Noodles Salad and Grilled
steps that can have a dramatic effect on our
Prawn Cobb Salad to supplement the protein. These three
beloved motherland.
new salads maximise and ensure that the nutrients in
vegetables are not destroyed without comprising the taste.
以上价格均为人民币,并需加收 10% 服务费及在上述价格与服务费总额上计征的政府税及增值税。
All prices are in RMB and are subject to 10% service charge and any government taxes and value-added tax payable on the prices together with the service charge.