Page 14 - CHINA WORLD No20 八月刊-FINAL
P. 14

CHINA WORLD   AUGUST 2017 / 2017 年 8 月刊  14

           让新国贸饭店带你玩转一天                                       生活充满惊喜。新国贸饭店向你示范如何把一天过得充满个性,带你告别沉闷!

           LET'S FREESTYLE WITH JEN                           Life can be full of surprises.  Let Hotel Jen Beijing show you how to "freestyle"

                                                              and #LeaveBoringBehind.

            08:00 am              咖啡角 LOBBY CAFÉ                               02:00 pm             客房    GUESTROOM

           清晨,品尝一份京城地道的煎饼、品味一杯拥有怀旧味道的老北京酸奶,开启高                                放松是最好的选择,无论是在舒服的床上小憩,还是随性的观看电视节目,这段
           效的一天。                                                              时间由你掌握!
           The early bird catches the worm. Grab a Chinese pancake or Beijing-style yogurt to start   The time is in your hands. Sleepy? Take a nap or just channel surf to your heart’s content
           your productive day.                                               in a comfortable bed.

            09:00 am              众·社     PROTOTYPE LOUNGE                     04:00 pm             炼·工场        TRAINYARD GYM

           静静坐在窗旁或选择一个舒服的座椅享受室内的悠静。写邮件、看书、看电影,                                不论在力量训练区域塑造健美的肌肉,在楼梯机上攀爬的挥汗如雨,还是在 25 米
           挑一件你想做的事慢慢享受。                                                      的日光泳池感受游泳带来的快乐,或是参与到动感十足的团操训练课,动起来吧!
           Sit by the window, or simply relax in one of the comfy cubicles. Catch up on the emails,   Hustle for those muscles at the massive strength training machines area, climb the
           read a book, watch a movie. Do whatever you fancy.                 Jacob’s Ladder, take a dip in the 25m pool, join a group class – move different!

            12:00 noon               三五堂      SAN WU TANG KITCHEN              07:00 pm             鲜啤吧      BEERSMITH GASTROPUB

           鲜嫩的生鱼片,香脆的中式煎饼,现做的意面,还有来自东南亚的传统美食,在                                日落而息?不!召集你的好友在 CBD 唯一的精酿啤酒坊 - 鲜啤吧畅饮爽口的手工
           三五堂尽情享用丰盛的自助午餐!                                                    酿造啤酒!
           Take a break and eat whatever your mood tells you to with a hearty buffet lunch. Indulge   The sun is setting but not the energy!  Gather your best friends and get the party started
           in fresh sashimi, pasta cooked in front of you, Chinese pancakes, and exotic Southeast   in Beersmith Gastropub, the only microbrewery in Beijing CBD.
           Asian dishes.
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