Page 3 - CHINA WORLD No20 八月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   AUGUST 2017 / 2017 年 8 月刊  03

           设计猫新展                                                              NEW EXHIBITION @ CHENG PROJECT

           设计猫联合成当代艺术中心共同推出的艺术项目空间 CHENG PROJECT。                             A new art project space, “Cheng Project”, by CCCA and DESIGN MORE landed at China
           CHENG PROJECT 依托于设计猫背后雄厚的设计及衍生品资源和成当代艺术中                           World Mall. “Cheng Project” is supported by abundant design and derivative resources
           心旗下优质的当代艺术资源,实现画廊在商业空间的拓展。                                         of DESIGN MORE and superior contemporary art resources of CCCA, achieving the
           设计猫和成当代艺术中心的新展览“选择自我合订本 上册:不记桃花源”正在                                development of gallery in commercial space.
           CHENG PROJECT 举行。此次展览由画廊选定冯兮作为总策展人,经与画廊协                           The new exhibition of DESIGN MORE and CCCA, Bound Volume of Self-Selection part
           商冯兮决定再选择七位有策展人经历的艺术家作为策展人的身份策划了自己的                                 Vol.1 | Don’t Memorize Utopian is showcasing at “Cheng Project”. Feng Xi was chosen
           个展或群展,为探讨当代艺术发展提供了独具特色的视角。                                         as the chief curator by the gallery. After negotiating with the galley, he selected seven
           在未来发展中,设计猫将继续联手成当代艺术中心在 CHENG PROJECT 定期举                          artists who had curatorial experience to curate their own solo or the group exhibition. This
           办优质的当代艺术展览,向公众传达最具原创精神的中国当代艺术创作。                                   process provides special viewpoint to explore the development of contemporary art.
                NL3011 北区三层 L3 North Zone                                     In the future, DESIGN MORE will continue to hold good exhibitions of contemporary art
               5762 6279                                                      with CCCA at “Cheng Project”, conveying the creation of Chinese contemporary art with
                                                                              the most innovative spirit to public.
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