Page 3 - CHINA WORLD No23 十一月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   NOVEMBER 2017 / 2017 年 11 月刊  03

           潮堂 CHAO TANG                                                       汉舍 HAN SHE

           胡椒肚煲鸡   Pepper chicken soup                                        铁锅萝卜羊肉
           一股浓郁的药材混着胡椒的香味飘来,不用看,便知道这独树一帜的香气就是来自                               Braised lamb with radish
           于潮堂餐厅一煲暖暖的胡椒肚煲鸡,这也是客家餐桌上必不可少的一道食补滋味。                               “冬吃羊肉来年打老虎”。这
           大名叫胡椒肚煲鸡,别名叫胡椒猪肚包鸡,小名最为特别:凤凰投胎。相传在清                                句话说的是羊肉能带给人体的
           康熙年间,是宫里给各宫娘娘们怀胎产后食用的名贵补品。将一整只鸡包在一整                                无限滋补力量。羊肉性温,可
           个猪肚里,用筒骨、胡椒、药材熬制数小时,汤色泽乳白,吸足了猪肚和鸡肉的                                以增加人体的热量,抵御寒冷,
           鲜美滋味,在胡椒的刺激和挑逗下,先喝一口汤,再迫不及待地尝一口肉,为之                                因此一锅羊肉能去除秋风带来
           着迷的鲜之灵魂妥帖入胃,继而散入四肢百骸,让你感受仿若火炉般的暖意,全                                的阵阵寒意,是秋冬必备的滋
           身通爽,暖到骨子里。                                                         补佳品。
                NL5012 北区五层  L5, North Zone        (86-10) 5620 1685          每当秋风瑟瑟刮起之时,北方
                                                    This comforting, yet piquant   的羊肉也开始长膘。汉舍的铁
                                                    dish from Chaozhou restaurant   锅萝卜羊肉选用肉质细嫩的新
                                                    Chao Tang will bring warmth   疆羊,底料选用川菜惯用的鲜
                                                    on a chilly day. The history of   牛油、二荆条糍粑椒、大红袍
                                                    this dish stretches all the way   花椒、永川豆豉、四川醪糟煲制而成,即便是看似平凡的萝卜,也因为羊肉释放
                                                    back to the time of the Kangxi   出的膻鲜而变得华贵,而去除了膻味的羊肉只留弥香软烂,这样的绝妙配搭档是
                                                    Emperor.                  众老饕们眼中的完美天仙配。
                                                    To prepare the dish, a whole      NL4019 北区四层  L4, North Zone        (86-10) 8535 1627
                                                    chicken is wrapped in a pig’s    No meat is more synonymous with winter than lamb, especially in northern China. Han
                                                    stomach, then slowly simmered   She’s  take on this essential winter ingredient combines it with hydrating white radish.
                                                    for an hour with pork bones,   Han She uses premium lamb from Xinjiang, combined with classic Sichuan flavours and
                                                    pepper, and other medicinal   ingredients like numbing peppercorns, dried chillies, and salted black beans, to create a
                                                    ingredients. The finished dish   dish that warms the body inside and out.
                                                    produces a richly-flavoured
                                                    milky white soup with a strong
                                                    hit of sinus-clearing pepper.


           麻油鸡面线   Sesame chicken noodles
                NB1042 北区地下一层  B1, North Zone        (86-10) 6505 1551
           Some say that this popular Taiwanese dish is so fragrant that the smell can wake people   莲花空间 LOTUS
           from sleep.
                                                                              水淹七军   Spicy mixed vegetables
           The base of the soup used in Kou Zhao Wei’s sesame chicken noodles is made from a
           whole chicken stewed for six hours with ginger, rice wine, sesame oil, and wolf berries.
           The soup is served with handmade noodles and some of the tender, stewed chicken.
           Perfect for those who want something warming yet still light.
                                                                              的菜品,吃完菜,汗也出得通透,这个 Feel 倍儿爽!
                                                                                  NL4006 北区四层  L4, North Zone        (86-10) 8527 4868
                                                                              Cold weather inevitably stimulates our appetite for spicy dishes, which help to warm the
                                                                              body from the inside out, particularly for those of us who suffer from poor circulation.
                                                                              The spicy vegetable hotpot at vegetarian restaurant Lotus combines cabbage, oyster
                                                                              mushrooms, abalone mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, konjac, green bamboo shoots,
                                                                              potatoes, and lotus root with homemade chilli oil to create a dish that will appeal to
                                                                              vegetarians and carnivores alike.
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