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CHINA WORLD NOVEMBER 2017 / 2017 年 11 月刊 04
越夜越美丽 对于都市中的无数人来说,夜场,早已是繁忙生活中最重要的一部分。随着夕阳
的最后一丝余晖从 CCTV 大楼西方的天际线消失,属于国贸夜生活最绚烂的时刻
NIGHTTIME 已经到来!啤酒、清酒、红酒,样样都不能少。
Beijingers know that nighttime is the most beautiful time in the city. As the
last rays of light hit the CCTV Tower, China World Mall is the place to be.
标签:德国原装生啤 The place for German beer 标签:来自巴塞罗那的鸡尾酒 Barcelona-style cocktails
在博璨德国啤酒餐厅,食客们能享用到正统的德国美食及享誉世界的德国啤酒。 如果说舌尖上的西班牙是一份食欲满满的海鲜饭,那么杯盏中的西班牙则是迷人
口感清爽的 Mönchshof Weissbier、略带苦味的 Krombacher Pils、0 酒精度却有 的鸡尾酒 Sangrila。有人把这种酒比作是危险的爱情,那深红的颜色,尤如烈焰的
着麦芽香气的 Kulmbacher Alkoholfrei 等最优质的德国啤酒,搭配餐厅中秘制的香 嫩唇,充满了激情与诱惑;那甜美的滋味,宛如脉脉的温情,让人留恋与陶醉,
肠、正宗的德式黄金猪肘……相信每一位老饕只有在这里才能真正感受德国美食 还有那让人无法自拔的 Negroni。
美酒的纯正魅力。 NL7003 北区七层 L7, North Zone (86-10) 6500 7579
NL7006 北区七层 L7, North Zone (86-10) 6505 6068 No cocktail is more Spanish than sangria. The sweet mix of red wine and fruit goes perfectly
At Brotzeit, diners can enjoy a wide selection of authentic German beers such as with a plate of paella. Migas is also well-known for their Negroni, a perfectly balanced mix of
Mönchshof Weissbier, Krombacher Pils, and even alcohol-free Kulmbacher Alkoholfrei, gin, Campari and red vermouth that works equally well as an aperitivo or a digestive.
alongside a menu of traditional German dishes such as sausages and roast pork knuckle. TIPS:DJ、表演、鸡尾酒、Tapas 小吃,Migas Mercado 巨大的露台坐拥国贸商城北区最
TIPS:使用民生银行信用卡在博璨消费,逢周五最高可满 300 减 100;使用建行卡更可以 高处,是夜生活的最佳去处之一。
享受 8 折优惠,更多优惠活动尽在博璨等你来发掘。 Tips: At the highest point of China World Mall, Migas Mercado’s massive terrace is one of the
Tips: Minsheng Bank cardholders get a CNY 100 discount for ever CNY 300 spent every Friday; best places to enjoy the view, while enjoying world-class DJs and live bands.
China Construction Bank card holders can enjoy a 20 percent discount.
福楼毕斯罗 F.BISTRONOME 标签:独家小众葡萄酒 Exclusive, niche wines
标签:知名产区红酒 Red wine from well-known regions 可以买酒,可以喝酒,在 SNAP 静静逛上一圈,你会发现这里有将近 200 多种酒款,
放下手机,卸下伪装,忽略嘈杂,抛开繁琐的用餐礼仪,在 F.Bistronome 用美食 小众且独特,甚至有一些葡萄酒是 SNAP 所独家代理的。来自法国的萨尔威庄园
好酒将每个人的距离拉到最近,与生意伙伴或挚友亲朋一起分享在客厅喝酒的轻 珍美桃红葡萄酒,来自西班牙的猫头鹰干红葡萄酒,每一款精品佳酿都带有自己
松美好。福楼毕斯罗精选来自全球各地的美酒佳酿,在觥筹交错中享受夜色带来 独特的个性标签。
的美好时光。 NL5018 北区五层 L5, North Zone (86-10) 6585 6887
NL7005 北区七层 L7, North Zone (86-10) 8595 9597 At SNAP, customers can enjoy their wine to drink in or take away, with more than 200
F. Bistronome is the best place to put aside the stresses of the day and enjoy a glass of niche wines on offer, many of which are exclusive to SNAP in Beijing. The perfect spot for
wine from some of the world’s best regions alongside a casual French meal. an intimate date or a catch up with friends.
TIPS:为了让更多酒友们品尝到佳酿,每周二来 SNAP 喝酒的女士都可以享受 8 折福利,
茗荷别馆 BRICK & WOOD BOUTIQUE 下午茶时光更有买一送一的惊喜。
标签:私藏限量版清酒 Select, limited-edition sake Tips: Women enjoy a 20 percent discount at SNAP on Tuesdays, as well as a buy-one-get-one-
free happy hour deal.
不设菜单的 Brick & Wood Boutique 一直以会席料理而在京城美食地图中占据一席
之地。首先来一杯清酒进行前奏曲,然后才是品尝料理的环节。当细滑的酒液顺 官也街澳门火锅 GUANYEJIE MACAU-STYLE HOTPOT
着喉咙而下,留在口腔中的是飘散的米香,此时的味蕾才算是彻底打开,准备迎 标签:年份威士忌 Aged Whisky
接之后的饕餮盛宴。 澳门火锅的精髓在于用十几小时熬制的汤底,将来自全球的新鲜食材涮入其中,
NL7002 北区七层 L7, North Zone (86-10) 6500 0907 在火锅的翻滚中,味道愈加鲜美。日本的威士忌,口感细腻,其味道与层次比起
Menu-free Brick & Wood Boutique is one of Beijing’s best Japanese restaurants. Sake is 众所周知的苏格兰威士忌更加精致,两者搭配在一起具有异曲同工之妙,在味蕾
an essential part of the dining experience, with a range of specially-selected sake offered 上谱写出一曲完美的奏章。
to compliment each dish. Guests can even choose their own sake flask and cup from a NL7001 北区七层 L7, North Zone (86-10) 8595 0538
selection hand-carried from Japan by the owner. Whisky meets hotpot at Guanyejie, a surprising pairing that is sure to delight. The base for
TIPS:目前,餐厅中售有精选套餐 388 元,更有超值的鳗鱼饭套餐仅需 188 元就可以尽尝 Guanyejie ’s hotpot is slowly boiled for over 10 hours to produce an incredibly smooth, richly
日料美味。 flavoured soup that pairs particularly well with the delicate profile of Japanese single malt.
Tips: Brick & Wood Boutique offers a CNY 388 set menu and a CNY 188 eel rice set.