Page 15 - CHINA WORLD No30 六月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD JUNE 2018 / 2018 年 6 月刊 15
新国贸饭店 x 连卡佛主题套房揭幕!
将 Jen 品牌 Jen Why Art 与连卡佛「探寻艺术」之旅巧妙融合,以独到观点解读生
傍晚夜幕初上,京城时尚名流齐聚新国贸饭店,一同见证新国贸饭店 x 连卡佛全球
独家风尚套房揭开神秘面纱。派对现场,动感 DJ 掀起音浪,宾客们在美食佳酿中
共赏创意家居的艺术之美。不仅如此,新国贸饭店总经理——魏凯富与连卡佛 Chief
Retail Officer——冯慧仪 Katherine Fung 还分享了此次跨界合作的理念与契机,旨
新国贸饭店 x 连卡佛全球独家风尚套房,揽怀 180 度城市天际美景,甄选风格鲜明
沉浸艺术美感,激发无限创想。MARSHALL 复古无线音箱,独家 MATTEO CIBIC
驴子先生镀金摆件,QEEBOO 标志性金色兔子造型座椅等让人仿佛置身充满童趣的 炼·工场与你有个普拉提的约会
艺术真谛的人,此间风尚套房的每个角落,都将艺术融入细节之处,畅享前所未有 24 小时不间断开放,占地面积 3500 平米新国贸饭店健身中心炼·工场拥有 25
的灵感启迪。 米恒温日光泳池、带有独立搏击台的综合搏击区,以及多间炫酷的团操间,让运
在这间充满艺术气息的房间休息,俯视北京的车水马龙,仅需门市价即可感受新国 动爱好者在具有专业认证的教练带领下感受肾上腺素上升的畅快之感。这些都是
贸饭店与连卡佛为你共同打造的风尚客房,7 月 25 日前,到新国贸饭店享受生活的 炼·工场吸引无数京城健身达人的理由。此外,炼·工场还有一项全北京稀有的
慢滋味。 健身器材,那就是普拉提核心床。
(86-10) 6505 2277 大部分瑜伽馆也配备了普拉提训练,但只是作为瑜伽的辅助。而炼·工场则把普
拉提打造成一个专业级的训练场所,包括 2 个教室,其中一个拥有 10 张顶级品牌
炼·工场 Trainyard
北京市朝阳区建国门外大街 1 号 新国贸饭店 4-5 层
No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Hotel Jen Beijing, L4&L5
(86 10) 6505 2277 – 7000
The 3,500-square-metre Trainyard Gym health club is open round the clock for guests
who wish to get their adrenalin pumping and reach new fitness heights. Facilities include
a 25-metre heated indoor pool with city views, a boxing ring, a mixed martial arts area,
and fitness studios where adrenalin-pumping classes will be led by certified instructors. All
HJB X LANE CRAWFORD SUITE LAUNCH PARTY! these are the reasons that make you become a Trainyard member. Today there is another
one: the Pilates Reformer.
What makes a successful event? A global luxury department store and a CBD landmark Most of the Yoga Clubs have Pilates session but only as the assistance of Yoga. Trainyard
hotel. Hotel Jen Beijing X Lane Crawford Themed Suite Launch Party collected distinguished builds up a professional training venue including 2 classrooms with 10 Pilates Reformers.
guests to participate in this magnificent event. The best advantage of Pilates training is the ability of body control. Most of the Pilates
During this event, media and celebrities witnessed the revealing of Hotel Jen Beijing X Lane amateur will find that there are only a few moves they can do professionally. All these are
Crawford Themed Suite and enjoy the atmosphere that was arose by DJ and delicacies. led by inappropriate training and exercise they did before.
Moreover, Hotel General Manager Clifford Weiner and Lane Crawford Chief Retail Officer It’s really worth a try for the Pilates Reformer at Trainyard!
Katherine Fung shared the corporation concept and opportunities — to present an artistic
choice to business travelers.
The themed suite includes fashion, art and trendy design style which concrete the Jen
Why Art into reality. When open the door, this suite will showcase the distinguished
artistic installation and modernized furniture. Guests will be attracted by its unique design,
exquisite accessories and aesthetic feeling.
Enjoy your stay at this artistic themed suite before July 25th, use rack rate, then you can
experience the slow motion life while the busiest road is just outside the window.