Page 14 - CHINA WORLD No30 六月刊-FINAL
P. 14

CHINA WORLD   JUNE 2018 / 2018 年 6 月刊  14



                                                                               DISCOVER BEIJING ON OUR

                                                                               LOCAL RITUALS TOUR

           地人每天都能感受的独特文化!新国贸饭店为你创造了一条充满惊喜与地道的路                                With a stay at all of our hotels, the Hotel Jen brand makes you move beyond the familiar
           线,让宾客的玩乐不再雷同与单调!                                                   and take a closer look at your destination. It’s our aim to help guests discover the unique
           新国贸饭店的地道玩家之旅将带你发现北京最神秘的“宝藏”。近期,地道玩家                                culture that locals experience everyday but that visitors to Beijing (or even long-time
           带领第一批宾客体验了一次老北京胡同探秘。从熙熙攘攘都市中心到安静闲逸的                                residents) may have missed in the past.
           静谧胡同,再到曲径通幽的老城区,宾客可以在这些场所领略老北京的风和日丽                                Introducing Local Rituals, our series of walking tours will take you to our favourite Beijing
           与日新月异、感受当地人的谈笑风生!                                                  hidden gems. Recently we have experienced the Local Rituals of Hotel Jen in advance.
           走在历史悠久,文化底蕴丰富的前门大街,感受老北京与现代北京的碰撞。不同                                From quiet hutongs in the middle of the bustling metropolis, to subtle traces of the old city
           年龄层的人们在这里汇集,轻松舒适的氛围,干净享乐的环境使前门大街成为此                                along Qianmen shopping street, here’s where you can take in the sights and sounds of Old
           次地道玩家之旅的首个集合点。                                                     Beijing.
           廊坊二条是地道玩家之旅的真正起点。在古代,这里是古玩与玉石的经销发源地。                               The Beijing Local Rituals tour takes a route just off of the buzzing Qianmen Dashilar where
           在现代,这里成为北京传统小食的美食聚集地,黏软的糯米卷,甜香的萨其马都                                old Beijing and younger generations mix to create some of our favourite places to unwind.
           可以在这里找到。                                                           LangFang Ertiao marks the start of the tour. Historically, it was home to antiques and jade
           杨梅竹斜街是北京多位文化名人的故居。当漫步在小巷里,宾客可以边欣赏风格                                businesses, but now is the place where you can find plenty of traditional Beijing snacks like
           迥异的建筑,边了解他们的故事。这条小巷还汇聚了多家设计工作室与精美礼品店。                              glutinous rice rolls or the sticky and sweet shaqima.
           在这里闲逛,不要遗落每一个风景。                                                   Yangmeizhu Xiejie was home to a few cultural celebrities of Old Beijing. You can still
           穿过杨梅竹斜街,新国贸饭店的地道玩家们来到步行之旅的终点琉璃厂。在清代,                               discover their stories as you wander down the alley, which is now home to design studios
           举子们会在这里挑选文房四宝,为自己选取参加科举的装备。如今,宾客依旧可                                and independent boutiques.
           以到琉璃厂感受纸墨笔砚、书法书籍的魅力。                                               During the Qing Dynasty, Liulichang Road is where many scholars stayed as they prepared
           琉璃厂是步行的终点,也是骑行的起点,接下来新国贸饭店地道玩家将带你感受                                for imperial exams. Today, find the street full of stationery shops with everything from
           老北京胡同的魅力。通过骑行,宾客将穿越观音寺街,也是大家常说的大栅栏西街。                              calligraphy brushes to books.
           这里拥有北京最著名的老字号店,无论购物还是享用美食,这条街道通通满足。                                Also known as Guanyin Temple Street, Dashilar Xijie is a shopping street packed full of
           穿过这条街道,此次地道玩家之旅也到了终点。从步行到骑行,宾客会路过很多                                Beijing’s most famous historical brands and delicious restaurants.
           美食店,游玩的期间不妨随时停下来休息一下,到隐秘的独奏者咖啡享用下午茶,                               Finally, finish off your tour by stopping for a rest and a bite to eat at charming hideouts
           或者到铃木食堂享用简单日料,又或者到 Meeting Someone 感受柳暗花明又一村                       like Soloist Coffee, Japanese eatery Suzuki Kitchen or Meeting Someone Café, as well as
           的魅力,再或者到模范书局或中国书店亲临一场书的盛宴。                                         Mofan Bookstore and China Bookstore.
           这趟旅行之后,宾客对北京的了解将从首都转为四九城。新国贸饭店地道玩家之后,                              After the trip, you will know why Beijing is as known as imperial city other than just capital.
           你将不虚此行。                                                            After Local Rituals, you‘ll know it is a journey you can't miss out.
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