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CHINA WORLD AUGUST 2018 / 2018 年 8 月刊 15
不是所有健身房都叫炼·工场。作为炼·工场的会员,你可以轻易接触京圈内知 Trainyard’s not just a gym. It’s a club. Every membership comes with access to top-
名的健身教练,还有各种类似户外训练营的有趣活动。你还可以在北京的核心区 notch trainers, fun events including guest coaches and outdoor boot camps, as well as
域享用独特、潮流又现代化的健身设施。趁着这次的夏季特别优惠,成为炼·工 access to gorgeous and modern facilities right in the middle of Beijing’s CBD. Join now
场会员吧! and take advantage of our special offers.
位于新国贸饭店的炼·工场占地 4 至 5 两个楼层,面向会员和酒店顾客,24 小 Trainyard covers two full floors inside Hotel Jen Beijing and is open around the clock for
时不间断开放。炼·工场拥有约 25 米室内恒温游泳池、标准拳击台、按照功能 members and hotel guests alike. Amenities include an about 25-metre indoor heated
性划分的运动区域和超大的操课教室,活力动感的团课在这里开展。炼·工场拥 pool, a boxing ring and MMA area, and gorgeous fitness studios where adrenalin-
有超大的落地窗,在运动的同时便可欣赏帝都的城中景观。 pumping classes are led by certified instructors. Floor-to-ceiling windows throughout
炼·工场还有专业的按摩服务让你在运动过后放松自己的身体,更衣室拥有超大 the gym provide unrivalled downtown city views.
的漩流浴,桑拿房和蒸汽房,每一项都能帮助你放松肌肉,缓解全身疲乏。 To recuperate post-workout, Trainyard’s women’s and men’s locker rooms have spacious
在这一次的夏日特惠活动中成为炼·工场金卡会员吧!你可以凭炼·工场金卡会 Jacuzzi tubs, steam rooms and saunas, and professional massages are available for
员卡随时前往新国贸饭店众·社享有悠然自得的慢时光,你还可以到餐厅享受百 those looking to ease tight muscles.
分之十五的餐饮折扣。 An added perk: Trainyard gold members receive free access to Hotel Jen Beijing’s co-
金卡会员 working lounge Prototype, and 15 percent off all food and beverage in the hotel.
作为炼·工场的金卡会员,你可以 24 小时随时随地享受这里的乐趣。每周,约 25 Gold members
节团课,动感单车、高强度阻力练习、户外训练营、拳击、瑜伽等等课程均可任享! Gold membership at Trainyard includes 24-hour access to more than 25 group fitness
还有游泳池、众·社畅享和餐饮 85 折优惠! classes per week, including HIIT, spinning, bootcamp, boxing and yoga, as well as
银卡会员 access to the fitness center and swimming pool. Also gold membership can enjoy
作为炼·工场的银卡会员,你可以 24 小时随时在这里享受运动和游泳的乐趣! Prototype and 15 percent off all food and beverage in the hotel.
炼·工场 Trainyard Silver members
北京市朝阳区建国门外大街 1 号 新国贸饭店 4-5 层 Silver membership at Trainyard includes 24-hour access to the fitness center and
No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Hotel Jen Beijing, L4&L5 swimming pool.
(86 10) 6505 2277 – 7000