Page 11 - CHINA WORLD No32 八月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD AUGUST 2018 / 2018 年 8 月刊 11
北京国贸大酒店将于 8 月 25 日举办第六届垂直马拉松赛事
6 月 26 日,第六届垂直马拉松赛事发布会于北京国贸大酒店举行。2018 年 8 月 On 25 August 2018, Saturday, runners from across the globe will participate in the
25 日,北京国贸大酒店将开放高达 330 米的停机坪,迎接来自世界各地的高空竞 China World Summit Wing, Beijing Vertical Run 2018. Running enthusiasts have signed
跑选手前来征战 2018 北京国贸大酒店垂直马拉松世界巡回赛。今年是北京国贸大 up for this exciting race, but vertical running powerhouses make up the elite category of
酒店与国际竞速联盟 (ISF) 第六次合作举办垂直马拉松世界巡回赛。世界级的专业 this year’s event.
垂直马拉松选手、运动员、知名人士及爱好体育的广大市民都将在这里争夺北京 This year, a group of elite runners from different countries will compete for a total prize
制高点的桂冠。 purse of US$5,000. Also, the fastest male and female runners from the public will be
本次比赛还设置了高达 5,000 美金的奖金总额,及由国泰航空、森海塞尔、 awarded round-trip flight tickets to Hong Kong supported by Cathay Pacific and Cathay
GORE-TEX 品牌、VVAE 等提供的丰厚奖品。所有参赛选手将可获得由 Under Dragon.
Armour(安德玛)提供的参赛装备,及由 5100 西藏冰川矿泉水和燃力士提供的 All charitable proceeds raised from the China World Summit Wing Vertical Run 2018 will
赛事指定饮品。 be donated to a charity organisation to help more people.
此次北京国贸大酒店垂直马拉松世界巡回赛募集的所有收益将捐助给慈善机构, Piotr Lobodzinski and Suzy Walsham to defend titles
用于开展公益项目帮助更多需要帮助的群体。 Piotr Lobodzinski of Poland won last year’s male elite division by setting the overall fastest
去年的男子精英组冠军由波兰选手托马斯 · 多尔德 (Piotr Lobodzinski) 以 10 分 06 time in 10 minutes, 6 seconds. He is the reigning world champion and currently leads the
秒的成绩摘得。托马斯在垂直马拉松领域耳熟能详,他获得无数殊荣,上年度是 2018 Vertical World Circuit rankings.
垂直马拉松世界巡回赛的世界冠军,目前领先于 2018 年垂直世界巡回赛排名。 Australia’s Suzy Walsham won the title last year, finishing in 10 minutes, 52 seconds.
女子组方面,澳大利亚选手苏齐 · 沃尔沙姆 (Suzy Walsham) 去年以 12 分 07 秒的 Walsham is a multiple winner of Hong Kong’s prestigious Race to Hong Kong ICC.
成绩获得女子精英组冠军。同时她又是多届“勇闯香港 ICC”的冠军得主。 “We are extremely proud to see the sixth edition of the event host at the tallest building
北京国贸大酒店总经理郭欣成先生表示:“我们非常荣幸,能够在北京最高的大 in Beijing. We are happy to support community events at our hotel, especially those
楼举办第六届垂直马拉松世界巡回赛(北京站)的赛事,很高兴在我们的酒店支 that help raise funds for charity and I hope they continue to grow and flourish in our
持社区运动,特别是帮助慈善事业筹集资金,希望他们在我们美好的城市继续发 wonderful city. Every one of the registered runners confirms our commitment to this
展壮大。每一位参赛者都证实了我们对这个精彩的体育比赛的承诺。” amazing sporting competition,” said Mr Jens Corder, general manager of China World
2018 年北京国贸大酒店垂直马拉松的赞助商及合作伙伴包括北京恩树国际商贸有限公司、 Summit Wing, Beijing.
香格里拉酒店集团、国贸商城、国泰航空、森海塞尔、Under Armour(安德玛)、 Sponsors and partners of the China World Summit Wing, Beijing Vertical Run 2018
VVAE GIULIO、GORE-TEX 品牌、北京港澳国际医务诊所、5100 西藏冰川矿泉 include the China World Trade Center, Shangri-la Hotels & Resorts, China World Mall,
水和燃力士。比赛由国际竞速联盟管辖,由 Sporting Republic 协办。 Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon, Sennheiser, Under Armour, VVAE GIULIO, GORE-TEX
赛事官方网站 brand, Hong Kong International Medical Clinic, Beijing, CELSIUS and 5100 Tibet Spring.
垂直马拉松世界巡回赛 The International Skyrunning Federation governs the race, supported by Sporting Republic.