Page 10 - CHINA WORLD No32 八月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   AUGUST 2018 / 2018 年 8 月刊  10

           智能路灯 智慧国贸                                    国贸世纪公寓前厅部竭诚为客人服务

           自从爱迪生发明了白炽灯,人类半导体照明技术就在                      国贸世纪公寓前厅部集前台、楼宇工作于一体,是主要负责接待来往宾客、对客服务、为客人提供综合服务的
           不断进步,现今,我国已将 LED 照明产业作为战略性                   部门。前厅是世纪公寓第一对外“窗口”,每位客人抵达、离开世纪公寓的必经之地,也是客人形成对世纪公
           新兴重点产业之一。                                    寓的第一印象和最后印象之处,因而,国贸世纪公寓前厅部如同其他部门一样被委以重任。
           国贸中心在这个大背景下,将 LED 照明改造落到实处。                  国贸世纪公寓前厅部由 12 名有活力、责任心强的员工组成,平时工作繁琐,24 小时运转不停歇,但前厅部每
           自 2012 年至今,国贸中心公共区、后勤区、办公区                   位员工对待客人都如亲人,对待工作更是事无巨细。他们能够熟记长租客人的姓名、生日,客人们从前台路过
           的灯具几乎全部更换为 LED 灯具,在节能降耗的同                    时,他们都能准确的认出客人并主动问候;对短租客人提出的各类问题,他们也能够不厌其烦地回答。在客人
           时,大大提升了照明品质。但在室内大部分灯具更换                      提出报修、投诉等问题时,他们都会及时与相关部门联系、解决并反馈给客人最终的解决方案。
           为 LED 照明产品后,室外照明还存在较大问题。智慧                   在今后的日子里,国贸世纪公寓前厅部将继续一如既往地为客人提供最真诚的服务。
           了 WIFI 天线、传感器、监控探头等,基座还可以预留

                                                        CENTURY TOWERS FRONT OFFICE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE

                                                        China World Century Towers front office department welcomes guests with integrated services.
                                                        The front office department is a shop window on Century Towers, the first and final impression of every guest.
                                                        Integrating their work with housekeeping, the front office is composed of 12 energetic and responsible employees.
                                                        Employees treat each guest kindly and are consistently diligent in their work. Each front office employee can accurately
                                                        recognize and greet each guest. Staff learn by heart the name and birthday of every long-term guest.
                                                        They answer questions from short-term guests with patience. When any guest raises a repair issue or makes a
           CHINA WORLD INSTALLED                        complaint, they immediately contact the relevant departments, address the relevant issue and provide solutions for
                                                        each guest.
           SMARTER, ENERGY-SAVING                       Century Towers front office will continue to provide sincere service to all guests.

           STREET LIGHTS                                国贸世纪公寓暑期特价继续

           Electric lighting has been steadily improving since 1879   两居室仍只需 670 元 / 日
           when Thomas Edison first patented his incandescent lamp.
           Today the smart light-emitting diode (LED) is the leading   7 月推出暑期特价后,国贸世纪公寓迎来了暑期入住
           lighting technology and one of China’s key emerging   小高峰。还没来得及享受到世纪公寓 7 月暑期特价优
           industries.                                  惠的朋友们,也不用担心,世纪公寓将在 8 月 1 日 -8
           Since 2012, China World Trade Center has replaced nearly   月 31 日继续维持 7 月暑期价格,每位入住两居室舒
           all its lamps in the public, back office and office areas with   适客房的国贸客户,依然只需要 670 元 / 日,让您的
           LED lamps and so greatly improved lighting quality and   炎炎暑期在国贸世纪公寓得到一个凉爽的休憩。
           reduced energy consumption.                      (86-10) 6779 8030 / 6779 8035
           Most indoor lamps have been replaced with LED, but                                       SPECIAL SUMMER OFFER:
           outdoor lighting until recently posed problems.
                                                                                                    2-BEDROOM APARTMENT 670
           The emergence of intelligent street lamps has addressed
           those problems. The intelligent lamppost integrates a wifi                               YUAN A DAY
           antenna, sensor and CCTV camera.
           The lamppost includes an intelligent system that sends out                               China World Century Towers has witnessed a surge in
           an alert if the light malfunctions.                                                      China World guests this summer following a special
           The intelligent lamp combines intelligent lighting,                                      offer launched in July. If you haven’t tried, don’t worry.
           intelligent security and wireless network and supports a                                 The offer is extended into August: one two-bedroom
           smart new China World.                                                                   apartment at 670 yuan a day.
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