Page 14 - CHINA WORLD No33 九月刊-FINAL
P. 14

CHINA WORLD   SEPTEMBER 2018 / 2018 年 9 月刊  14








           自去年开业以来,新国贸饭店以其时尚现代的设计理念,清新、动感、潮酷、奇趣的                             Since opening last year, Hotel Jen Beijing – with its fashionable and modern design concept,
           感受,迅速成为京城时尚潮流新地标。并成为国内专为千禧一代打造的新生酒店体验                             fresh, dynamic, cool and fun atmosphere – has quickly become the centre and new landmark
           的典范。新国贸饭店的三五堂凭借轻松愉快、自由随性的用餐体验和地道的北京及东                             of fashion trends. In the new millennium, Hotel Jen Beijing has created a distinguished hotel
           南亚风味也成为 CBD 区域中的独特亮点。                                             experience. San Wu Tang, with its relaxed, happy and carefree casual dining experience and
           酒店的成功,不仅因其硬件设施一流,酒店里的工作人员的辛勤工作,极力思考为客                             authentic Beijing and South East Asian flavours, has become a unique highlight of the CBD area.
           人带来更为妙趣的体验也很重要。新国贸饭店的员工更是卧虎藏龙,多才多艺,为酒                             Not only its facilities contributed to the hotel’s success, but also the hard work of its staff, who
           店增添流光溢彩。                                                          gave guests a more wonderful experience. The hotel staff has undiscovered talents are versatile
           3 月 29 日,几幅位于三五堂的粉笔手绘黑板画引爆新国贸饭店员工和宾客的朋友圈。                         and can add luster to the hotel.
           老北京人的工作剪影、城墙下的老店铺、四九城的寻常巷陌,每一项画作都惟妙惟肖                             On March 29, 2018, San Wu Tang featured a number of chalk-drawn blackboard paintings for
           的展示在宾客前面,一些食客还用手机拍照留念望与亲朋好友分享,甚至有些食客将                             the hotel staff and guests and their friends. The paintings included a sketch of an old Peking
           这些画作上传至大众点评等社交媒体主动与网友分享并发表感悟。这几幅不禁令宾客                             man’s work, under the city walls of the old shops and 49 ordinary alleys – each painting was
           细细品味、充满地道老北京味儿的艺术佳作正是出自新国贸饭店副总经理张李泽先生                             vividly displayed in front of the guests. Some parasites used their mobile phone to take photos
           之手。借此机会我们采访了张李泽先生,分享了一些不为人知的艺术秘密。                                 and share them with their family and friends. Some guests uploaded the paintings on social
                                                                             media, gaining public comments and shares among netizens who expressed their sentiments.
           大隐隐于市,国贸圈的艺术爱好者                                                   These are some works of art painted by Hotel Jen Beijing deputy general manager Mr. Zhang
           从小学课本的插画、初中的仕女图、大学的彩蛋绘画,到朝阳区书画普及社展出的碳                             Lize which let guests go to carefully taste and are full of authentic old Beijing. We took this
           金粉人物画像、国贸中心颐和园船头赏月的 3 米长卷嫦娥奔月、北京市旅游饭店书                            opportunity to interview Mr. Zhang Lize and let him share some obscure art secrets.
           艺术的热爱创造出一幅幅惟妙惟肖的经典之作。                                             A real hermit lives in the bustling place in CWTC circle
           从小,张李泽先生就对艺术充满向往。自小学起,白求恩、列宁、李玉和,这些来自                             With his love of art, Mr. Zhang Lize created many vivid masterpieces including the illustration
           语文课本的经典插画都是张李泽先生临摹的对象。随着年龄的逐渐增长,他对国画产                             on elementary school textbook; the sketch during his junior high school period; the painting
           生了浓厚的兴趣,中国独有的山水画,仕女图等等艺术佳作无不所爱。在他还上初中                             of the egg during his college period; and the painting of popular society exhibited carbon Dust
           的时候,张李泽先生拿着几张白描作品来到师父面前求艺,但当时的年代对这些渴望                             character portrait on the Chaoyang District calligraphy; the 3-meter scroll “Goddes Chang`e
           精修技艺的学子们并不友好,仿佛上大学才是这个年代的向往。在老师的劝导下,张                             flying to the moon”painting during the China World Trade Center Event in Summer Palace;,
           李泽先生还是走上了高考的道路。但是这场经历并未浇灭他的满腔热血,凭借对艺术                             Beijing tourism hotel calligraphy and Painting competition Third prize; San Wu Tang’s chopper -
           的热爱,他选择了自学绘画。                                                     Old Beijing Hutong and street life.
           交谈中,他说道,大学期间一个月的生活费只有 17 元 5 角,这些费用本来只能满足                         From an early age, Mr. Zhang Lize was already interested in art. Since his elementary school days,
           一个月午餐的基本需求,为了实现自己的艺术梦,他省吃俭用,仅用一半的生活费满                             Bethune, Lenin, Li Yuhe and the classic illustrations from Chinese textbooks had been the object
           足基本温饱,节省下来的钱用来购买画册,颜料、宣纸等绘画工具,以及每周去美术                             of his art. As he got older, he developed a strong interest in Chinese painting, such as China's
           馆的门票费用。他在大学期间临摹了大量的工笔风格作品,而且一坚持就是四年。                              unique landscape, that of ladies and so on.
           国画中的传统重彩工笔仕女、特制的硬毛笔画的碳金粉人物肖像写真,每一种绘画手                             When he was still in junior high school, Mr. Zhang Lize took a few pieces of Baimiao works to a
           法的精雕细琢无一不激发他的绘画灵感。大学期间,班里的同学纷纷邀请他为他们画                             master to study art. However, at that time, these students who are eager to learn paiting are not
           人物肖像和彩蛋留作纪念。大学三年级,张李泽先生的重彩工笔仕女图和碳金粉人物                             favourable, because going to the university was the yearning for this era. Under the advice of
           肖像参加了朝阳区书画普及社举办的美术展览。                                             the teacher, Mr. Zhang Lize went on to take the college entrance examination. This experience
           工作以后的张李泽先生十分低调,并没有四处宣扬自己的绘画才能,他只在 26 岁那                           did not extinguish his passion and love of art, instead, he decided to self-study painting. He said
           年为国贸中心颐和园渡船赏月活动创作了一幅长为 3 米多的画作,这幅嫦娥奔月被                            his monthly allowance at university was only CNY17.5, which could only pay for lunch for one
           高高的挂在船头,让人仿佛身临月宫。由于工作繁忙,张李泽先生一封笔就是二十余                             month and not enough to realise his artistic dream. He lived frugally, surviving on only half of
           年,他的绘画天赋也只是为数不多的老国贸人知晓的秘密。                                        his monthly allowance to meet his basic needs for food and clothing. He saved his money to
           2018 年年初,三五堂明档处的几幅画作映入大家眼帘,同时刷爆了新国贸饭店乃至                           buy pictures, pigments, Xuan paper and other painting tools, as well as weekly tickets to the art
           整个国贸的朋友圈。“张总会画画”也一度成为大家茶余饭后热议的话题。                                 gallery. During his college years, he copied a lot of meticulously drawn works and persisted for
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