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CHINA WORLD SEPTEMBER 2018 / 2018 年 9 月刊 15
中式画法的戗菜刀和老北京市井生活,西式透视画法的老北京 four years.
胡同都深受宾客喜爱。立体感十足的画作充分展示了老北京人 Traditional Chinese painting in the tradition of heavy brushwork ladies, special hard brush painted carbon powder portrait,
的日常起居生活。采访中张李泽先生告诉我们,粉笔的笔尖较 each kind of painting requires techniques of fine carving and no one does not inspire his painting enthusiastic.
粗,粉末很多,较难掌握。为了让每个人物的神态迥异,身姿 At university, the students would invite him to draw portraits and eggs as souvenirs. In the third year of college, Mr. Zhang
不同,一幅画作至少需要 4 至 5 个小时的绘画时长,但作为老 Lize participated in the Chaoyang District calligraphy and painting popularisation society’s art exhibition with his heavy-
北京人的他不辞辛苦,渴望通过三五堂用绘画的方式传播属于 coloured meticulous lady figure and carbon powder character portrait.
北京的人文文化。 Mr. Zhang Lize, after work, was very low-key, did not publicize his own painting skills. He only created a painting of more
就这样,张李泽先生便与三五堂画下了不解之缘。云南美食节、 than 3 meters for the World Trade Center Summer Palace ferry boat appreciation event when he was 26. “Goddes
面条明档、煎饼明档、北京小吃明档都拥有了独特的画作。客 Chang`e flying to the moon”,it makes people feel like they are in the moon. Due to the heavy work,he had been stopped
人纷纷留念拍照发至多个社交网络,这几幅充满地道人情的画 painting for 20 years. His painting talent was a secret which are known to only a few old staff.
作也为三五堂增添了美誉。 At the beginning of 2018, several paintings at the San Wu Tang stalls were brought to the public’s eyes. At the same time,
it was popular for the Hotel Jen Beijing and the whole CWTC circle. That "Mr. Zhang can paint" became a hit.
新国贸饭店尽职尽责的带头人 Guests love his Chinese style of the kitchen knife and the old Beijing street life, as well as his western perspective of the
保持低调、一丝不苟、体恤员工、爱岗敬业一直是张李泽先生 old Beijing hutong. The three-dimensional painting fully demonstrates the daily life of the old Beijingers. In the interview,
在新国贸饭店员工们心中的形象。 Mr. Zhang told us that the chalk nib is thicker and the powder is much more difficult to master. To give each character a
张李泽先生作为新国贸饭店的副总经理,一直尽职尽责。不管 different demeanour, it took him at least four to five hours to paint, but as a local Beijinger, he took the trouble – eager to
是工程的安全监管,还是员工的饮食起居,每一项都是他关注 use the San Wu Tang painting as a way to spread the culture of Beijing.
的重点。曾经,新国贸饭店员工们对张李泽先生的敬佩之情只 This way, Mr. Zhang and San Wu Tang has a close relationship. Yunnan Food Festival, Noodle, Pancake open kitchen all
停留在领导层面,但当大家得知张总的绘画功底后,对于艺术 have unique paintings. Guests have photographed the paintings and shared them on many social media, making the
层面的敬佩之意也由然而生。 restaurant even more famous.
画热情。他表示,他心中的三五堂不仅仅是一家餐厅这么简单, Hotel Jen Beijing's reliable leader
而是一个传播艺术与文化的平台。他说新国贸饭店行政副总厨 Keeping a low profile, meticulous, compassionate and full of love and dedication is what Mr. Zhang has shaped in the
高宁表示想通过三五堂这个平台展现中国地道美食,让更多的 hotel employees. Mr. Zhang performs his duty as Hotel Jen Beijing’s deputy general manager, whether it’s the safety of the
宾客了解到中华美食的魅力,这同时也是他的梦想。他表示 project or the routine of the staff. In the past, the hotel staff only admired Mr Zhang’s leadership, but after learning about
三五堂在国贸的核心区域,周围有百家餐厅竞争,三五堂之所 his paintings, the staff also came to admire his artistic talents.
以能在大众点评上被评选为朝阳区人气最旺的自助餐厅,除了 Mr. Zhang was inspired to showcase his painting at San Wu Tang because the place, in his heart, was not just a
国贸中心 30 多年的品牌保证,还要靠大家的共同努力。 restaurant, but also a platform for communicating art and culture.
张李泽先生还表示,他希望三五堂可以成为一个传承中国魅力 According to Mr Zhang stated, Gao Ning, the hotel’s executive sous chef, had wanted to showcase authentic Chinese
的平台,除了菜品,三五堂的装饰也是传播文化的一部分。他 food through San Wu Tang to let more guests understand the charm of Chinese cuisine, which was also Mr Zhang’s
希望三五堂能引进新的概念,利用自己的优势来传播文化,这 dream. He said, San Wu Tang, among hundreds of restaurants, was voted by the public in the Chaoyang District as the
是位于帝都和国贸区域的三五堂最义不容辞的责任。同时,新 most popular cafeteria. In addition to the guarantee of CWTC. the success is also a result of efforts of all.
国贸饭店开业半年之时,三五堂便拥有如此高的评价非常不易, Mr Zhang Lize also said he hoped San Wu Tang would become a platform to inherit China’s charm. In addition to its
非常感谢食客们的支持与厚爱。大家都知道,三五堂很多菜品 dishes, its decoration could also spread the Chinese culture. He hoped the restaurant, which is located in the imperial city
都传承于国贸饭店的三江咖啡厅,但是新饭店要有新要求,注 and the international trade area, could introduce new concepts and use its advantages to spread the local culture.
重细节、改善就餐环境、提高服务质量、更新员工的配套服装, As Hotel Jen Beijing has been open for only six months, there will be great expectations of San Wu Tang, and everyone
在传承老饭店优良菜品的同时还要开发新菜品,多多开展美食 is very grateful for the support and love of the diners. Many of San Wu Tang’s dishes came from T-Bazaar of Traders
节。贯彻高董事长所说的“人无我有、人有我强、人强我优、 Hotel Beijing. However, the new Hotel Jen Beijing needs a new concept and pay attention to details to improve its dining
人优我新。”的指导精神。三五堂之所以能在国贸中心百家餐 environment and service quality, as well as update the staff uniform. It should keep the hotel’s traditional popular dishes
厅中立足,就是因为我们不断在调整自己。三五堂尚未完全确 while developing new dishes, especially for its many delicacy festivals.
认概念,可塑性、灵活性都很强,他一直呼吁三五堂的厨师们 The implementation of the Chairman Gao’s spirit is‘we can do what others can't do. We are proficient in what others can
从后厨走出来,多与客人沟通,从而改善自己,打造一个综合 do. We also can improve and innovate what others are proficient in.’ The reason why San Wu Tang can stand in CWTC is
性的三五堂。 that we are constantly adjusting ourselves. San Wu Tang has not yet fully recognised the concept, and it is malleable and
采访尾声,张李泽先生表示艺术来源生活,细节决定成败。不 flexible. Mr.Zhang appealed to the chefs to come out of the kitchen and have more communication with the guests, so
管是张李泽先生的艺术情节还是三五堂的质量保障都离不开对 they can improve themselves and craft a comprehensive San Wu Tang.
生活细节的观察。“自古开门七件事,柴米油盐酱醋茶”,张 At the end of the interview, Mr. Zhang said that the artistic origins of life and its details determine success or failure.
李泽先生事必躬亲,无微不至的管理理念,正是新国贸饭店迈 Whether it is Mr. Zhang’s art or the quality of San Wu Tang, it is inseparable from the observation of the details of life.
向成功的必备。 Mr. Zhang’s hands-on, meticulous management made Hotel Jen Beijing’s success a reality.