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China WorldApr 2016 2016 4月刊
A monthly bulletin bringing you all the latest China World Trade Center news and information 每月带给您北京恩树国际商贸有限公司的最新讯息
国贸中心 再续经典
继 2014 年、2015 年连续两年成功举办“再续经典”系列主题活动后,国贸中心 The third annual Style Must Go On event was hosted in the Atrium of the China World
再次吹响春之号角。3 月 25 日至 4 月 10 日,2016“再续经典”系列主题活动 Tower on March 25. Cutting the ribbon at opening ceremony, Deputy General Manager of
在国贸商城各区域华美亮相。北京恩树国际商贸有限公司股份有限公司副总经理钟荣明先 China World Trade Center Co. Ltd. Cheng Yong Meng was joined by Giuseppe Perricone,
生、意大利驻华大使馆经济商务处一等秘书 Giuseppe Perricone 先生、欧洲购 first secretary of the Italian embassy's economic and commercial office in Beijing, Erio
物中心协会主席 Erio Malagoli 先生、美泰公司授权总监顾琛女士、国贸商城总 Malagoli, chairman of the European Shopping Center Association, Diana Liang, director of
监梁小丹女士出席了本次活动开幕式并共同剪彩。 China World Mall and Sabrina Gu, senior licensing manager of Mattel China.
活动期间,国贸商城携手全球最大玩具公司美泰集团集结上百个收藏级芭比娃娃, In cooperation with China World, Mattel, the largest toy company in the world, presented
打造出一个精美绝伦的芭比主题梦幻花园。除首次在北京展出的数十款金标限量 more than 100 special-edition Barbie dolls, including dozens of limited editions. A hand-
芭比外,更有芭比珍藏系列首席设计师 Robert Best 出品的手绘版芭比设计图集 painted design atlas of the reserved editions, produced by the chief designer for Barbie’s
第一次亮相中国。商城租户 D2C 还与芭比合作上演了 Awaylee 大秀,众星云集, maker, Robert Best, was displayed for the first time in Beijing. The celebrity doll series
美不胜收。 included Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn and Fan Bingbing. China World Mall and D2C
此外,国贸商城还与欧洲购物中心协会合作举办了“意大利嘉年华”。意大利真 designer Li Wei jointly presented a "journey through time Barbie" fashion show.
品服装真人秀、杜卡迪摩托一展风姿,威尔第经典歌剧萦绕耳际……让客人多角 This year's series of themed activities included an Italian Carnival in cooperation with the
度领略这个浪漫国度的风土人情。 European Shopping Center Association. Visitors sampled the Ducati motorcycle show,
Verdi opera and costumes from Venice and Verona, the hometown of Romeo and Juliet.