Page 9 - 2016-05
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CHINA WORLD   MAY 2016 / 2016 年 5 月刊  09

             最新任命                                        NEW APPOINTMENT

                                                         “After being away for 10 years, I am delighted to be part of the CWTC family
             际贸易中心 - 这个活力四射并充满创新友爱的温暖和
                                                         again. It is indeed an honor for me to assume the leadership role at China World
                                                         Hotel. After all this time,  I am thrilled to see many familiar faces from my time at
                                                         Traders Hotel. I look forward to working with all of you again.
                                                         In this highly competitive Beijing market, challenging times lies ahead but within
                                                         each challenge also lies opportunities. With the support of wonderful colleagues,
                                                         I am sure we will be able to meet and profit from these challenges”.
                                                                                          - Christopher Chia
                                                          Vice President of Shangri-La International Hotel Management Limited
                                                                        General Manager of China World Hotel, Beijing
                                      —— 谢国林
                                 香格里拉酒店集团副总裁             Mr. Christopher Chia has been appointed vice president at
                                  北京中国大饭店总经理             Shangri-La International Hotel Management Limited and general
                                                         manager of China World Hotel, Beijing. He will be responsible for
             近日,谢国林先生被任命为香格里拉酒店集团副总裁                     the overall operations and services of China World Hotel, China
             和北京中国大饭店总经理,将负责北京中国大饭店、                     World Summit Wing, and Traders Hotel.
             国贸大酒店和北京国贸饭店三家酒店的全面运营工作。                    Mr. Chia has more than 30 years of management experience.
             谢国林先生来自马来西亚,拥有三十多年酒店管理从                     Prior to joining China World Hotel, Beijing, he was the vice
             业经验,在接任中国大饭店总经理之前,曾担任香格                     president and general manager of Shangri-La Hotel, Beijing. He
             里拉酒店集团副总裁及北京香格里拉饭店总经理职务。                    started his hospitality career with the group as front office executive
             谢国林先生的职业生涯始于吉隆坡香格里拉大酒店,                     at Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. He has since held management
             继而先后在集团内马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、香港                     positions within the group in Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore,
             及北京等酒店担当高级行政管理要职。                           Hong Kong and Beijing.

           大堂酒廊:玳美雅蝴蝶系列                                LOBBY LOUNGE: DAMIANI                       阿丽雅酒吧:意大利面套餐

           精品下午茶宴                                      BUTTERFLY THEMED                            随心选

           北京中国大饭店与意大利首屈一指的纯手工制作                       AFTERNOON TEA                               国贸商圈办公族们的又一最佳午餐选择 - 阿丽雅酒吧
           顶级珠宝品牌 DAMIANI(玳美雅)共同携手创作                                                               即日起每个工作日午餐时段 11:30 至 14:30,只需人
                                                       Collaborating with the Italian luxury handmade jewelry
           DAMIANI 玳美雅蝴蝶系列精品下午茶宴。自 2016 年                                                          民币 99 元,经典意大利面套餐精彩呈现:意大利肉
                                                       brand DAMIANI, China World Hotel is presenting an elegant
           5 月 5 日起至 7 月 31 日期间,宾客可以在酒店大堂酒                                                         酱面、辣味海鲜天使意面或墨鱼汁意大利宽面,浓郁
                                                       afternoon tea set menu with the combination of culinary
           廊尽情享受这款美味与艺术完美结合的下午茶宴。                                                                  香美酱汁,更有混合蔬菜沙拉及软饮,美味不容错过!
                                                       craftsmanship and precious jewels. Inspired by the beautiful
           受璀璨珠宝启发,中国大饭店饼房厨师长吴迪独具匠                                                                     (86-10) 6505 5838
                                                       jewellery design, Pastry Executive Chef Wu and his team are
                                                       going to spoil guests with the most fabulous afternoon tea
                                                       experience. The DAMIANI Butterfly-Themed Afternoon Tea
                                                       Set Menu is priced at RMB388* per set and will be served at
           的镂空巧克力造型蝴蝶等细节处处与 DAMIANI(玳美
                                                       Lobby Lounge from from Monday to Sunday, noon to 6 p.m.
                                                                                   All prices are in RMB, and
           造无与伦比的完美下午茶体验。DAMIANI 玳美雅蝴蝶                                             subject to 10% service
           系列精品下午茶宴每份人民币 388 元 *,每周一至周                                             charge and prevailing
                                                                                   value-added tax payable
           五中午 12 点至下午 6 点在大堂酒廊有售。                                                 on the prices together
               (86-10) 6505 5838                                                   with the service charge.
           (以上价格均为人民币,并需加收 10% 服务费,
                                                                                                   ARIA BAR: LET’S TRY PASTA!

                                                                                                   Aria Bar offers another delightful lunch option for CBD
                                                                                                   office executives! Come and taste our Italian pasta lunch
                                                                                                   menu at only RMB99 net with rich selection such as
                                                                                                   Bolognese spaghetti, spicy seafood capellini or Fettuccini in
                                                                                                   black squid sauce with Seared Prawns. A mixed vegetable
                                                                                                   salad and soft drink are included. 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
                                                         2016年5月5日至7月31日  5th May to 31st July     on weekdays.
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