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CHINA WORLD   MAY 2016 / 2016 年 5 月刊  04



                                                                                                    4 月 28 日至 5 月 4 日,爱马仕“饰”不可挡概念店
           我们获奖啦!                                       BIG WIN!                                    瞬间,并分享给好友。

           “2016 年 ICSC 中国购物中心 & 零售商大奖”颁奖               “ICSC China Shopping Center & Retailer Award 2016”
           典礼顺利于 2016 年 4 月 14 日在上海隆重举行。北               was successfully held in Shanghai on 14 April 2016.
           京国贸商城凭借“托马斯 70 周年纪念活动”荣获“传                   In recognition of its excellence in marketing effort,
           统营销”银奖。                                      China World Mall received the ‘SILVER’ award in the
           活动期间,70 辆造型精致的小火车首次集体亮相,可                    “Traditional Marketing” category with its “Thomas’s 70th
           谓是托马斯 70 年历史上的最强阵容,现场内容丰富的                   Anniversary” integrated marketing campaign.
           互动活动以及还原场景,让来宾仿佛置身于鲜活梦幻                      “Thomas’s 70th Anniversary” in China World Mall brings
           的卡通影片中。                                      to Beijing “First-in-the-world” showcases with 70 pieces
           创建于 1957 年的国际购物中心协会 ( 缩写 : ICSC),            of 1M tall “Thomas” train engine models of which 25
           是世界上最大的专业零售地产商业协会,ICSC 每年主                   classic and 9 all new design, also “One-of-its-kind”
           办约300场会展,全球超过12万家专业团队出席展会。                   world premier double layer Thomas Celebration birthday
           协会的近 7 万多个会员,遍及美国、加拿大等 100 多                 cake formed by 20 train models. With its wide array of
           个国家,包括购物中心业主、开发商、运营商、市场                      activities and realistic settings, visiting guest had a first
           专家、投资商、租赁商、零售商,以及学术科研和政                      hand experience into the magical world of Thomas.
           府机构。作为世界性的行业商贸协会,ICSC 连结着全                   Founded in 1957, ICSC is the global trade association
           球 25 个以上的国家和区域性购物中心协会。                       of the shopping center industry. Its more than 70,000
           “2016 年 ICSC 中国购物中心 & 零售商大奖”旨在发              members in over 100 countries include shopping center  HERMÈSISTIBLE  POP-UP STORE
           现中国商业地产行业内的杰出表现、创新方法和新颖创                     owners, developers, managers, investors, retailers,   Taking place at atrium space B1, during the period from
           意,以表彰在营销、社交媒体以及设计和开发领域的卓                     brokers, academics, and public officials.   Apr 28th to May 4th, Hermèsistible Pop-up Store has
           越成就。此奖项素有商业地产领域“奥斯卡”奖项之称,                    The ICSC China Shopping Centre & Retailer Awards   perfectly showed the unique charm of Hermès Accessories.
           是购物中心行业最专业,含金量最高的专业奖项之一。                     Program has been designed to recognize excellence,   Colorful walls, special decoration mirrors, and diverse
                                                        innovation and creativity within China’s retail real estate   visual elements mixed together aimed to offer an infinite
                                                        industry honoring outstanding achievement in marketing,   variety of perception at Pop-up Store. All the new arrivals
                                                        social media, and the design and development of retail   of bracelets, necklaces, and earrings in “Lexicon of
                                                        properties and stores. Often referred to as the OSCAR   worldelicous fashion jewelry” have been found on the
                                                        of the commercial real estate industry awards, this is   spot. Besides, most of the guests took photos with beloved
                                                        the most sought after and highly regarded recognition   accessories at photo booth, and shared the hermèsistible
                                                        aspired by every shopping mall.             moment with their friends.

           DAMIANI 玳美雅盛大开业                                                                          DAMIANI  GRAND OPENING
                                                                                                    AT CHINA WORLD MALL
           意大利首屈一指的纯手工珠宝品牌 DAMIANI 玳
           美雅将于 2016 年 5 月 31 日在国贸商城盛大开业。
                                                                                                    DAMIANI, founded in Valenza in 1924 and managed by
           为了庆祝这一盛典,DAMIANI 玳美雅隆重推出
                                                                                                    the third generation, is leader in the Italian market and has
                                                                                                    always been an ambassador of the best goldsmith tradition
           物起源于 17 世纪中叶,是欧洲宫廷经久不衰的时
                                                                                                    in the world. DAMIANI will celebrate the grand opening for
                                                                                                    its new store at Beijing China World Mall on 31st May 2016
                                                                                                    with the Fiocco collection. Fiocco, which means The Bow,
                                                                                                    was a recurring motif in the jewelry of European courts,
                                                                                                    developed in the mid-17th century. The sophisticated range
                                                                                                    has a timeless symbolic value and is the perfect gift of love
                                                                                                    destined to last forever, making every moment special.
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