Page 4 - CHINA WORLD No21 九月刊-final
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CHINA WORLD OCTOBER 2017 / 2017 年 10 月刊 04
路易威登首块智能手表 Tambour Horizon 已揭开面纱,展露时尚锋芒。此款手表
SB129 & L128 & 221 南区地下一层至二层,B1 to L2, South Zone
(86-10) 400 6588 555
您想为秋日搭配增趣味?欢迎光临重装一新的南区地下一层中庭! 9 月 23 日至
10 月 8 日,这里有普拉达机器人系列的限时店,里面各样可爱的潮物,钥匙链、
SB101A B1 南区地下一层,B1, South Zone
(86-10) 6535 8106
EXCLUSIVE FUNCTION: TAMBOUR HORIZON Finding adorable accessories for your autumn wardrobe? Come to Prada Robot Pop-up
Luxury brand Louis Vuitton launched its first smart watch, the Tambour Horizon Watch, Exhibition at the well renovated atrium of B1, South Zone during 23 Sep to 8 Oct. There
which falls decidedly on the fashion side. Louis Vuitton developed the watch in partnership are plenty of smart items for you! We especially pick Robot line in key-chains, handbags,
with Google and Qualcomm. Exclusives include "My Flight," which provides up-to-date and backpacks, all of which are the easy choices for day-to-day wear. By the way, don’t
flight information and "City Guide," a set of curated guides and services by Louis Vuitton miss our special customized service at the pop-up store, using our unique stickers and key-
to nearby restaurants, hotels and historical landmarks. chains to create the one-of-a-kind bag.
上下赤焰黑 了不起的 BLUE ERDOS
「上下」联手当红摄影师陈漫推出最新大 时装屋 Blue Erdos 将在十月底举办在国贸的首次展览,展区位于中区中庭。秋冬
片,红黑色彩成为系列亮点。这组赤焰黑 新品带来强烈的北欧气息,体现出对极简的追求。毋庸置疑,优良的羊绒质地和
系列诠释弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙的态度:伟大 廓形剪裁令其成为秋冬炙手可热的时尚好物。
的灵魂是雌雄同体。不只掌镜,陈漫更手 NB124中区地下一层 , B1, Central Zone
绘了葫芦、元宝、寿桃。可在服饰鞋履、 (86-10) 6505 2358
SB107B 南区地下一层, BLUE ERDOS
B1, South Zone
Fashion store Blue Erdos will launch
(86-10) 6505 7358
its first exhibition in China World
SHANG XIA EBONY Mall at the atrium of Central Zone
SPARK COLLECTION in late October. The exhibition
will showcase the fall and winter
Shang Xia collaborated with China's most season collection, bringing a Nordic
renowned fashion photographer, Chen Man, stylish ambience which in pursuit
releasing the latest campaign shoot featuring red and black. Virginia Woolf's idea that a of simplicity aesthetic. Definitely
great mind is androgynous emerges in the portfolio. Last but not least, Chen Man has those items feature fine material
hand sketched depictions of Hulu gourds, Sycee ingots and longevity peaches for the of cashmere and the structured
collections to serve as propitious symbols. The collections encompass apparel, accessories, silhouette will be inevitable for the
footwear, jewelry and items of home décor. season.