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China WorldOct 2017 2017 10月刊
A monthly bulletin bringing you all the latest China World Trade Center news and information 每月带给您北京恩树国际商贸有限公司的最新讯息
悦动新国贸 乐跑马拉松
第 37 届北京马拉松于 2017 年 9 月 17 日在天安门广场鸣枪开跑,国贸中 Some 30,000 runners from across the world, including a 100-strong team of China World staff
心钱晓瑾副总经理和钟荣明副总经理作为赛事活动贵宾出席了起跑仪式, and clients, crowded into Tiananmen Square for the start of the 37th Beijing Marathon on
由国贸中心客户和员工组建的百人马拉松跑团融入了今年的三万马拉松路 September 17. Qian Xiaojin, deputy general manager of China World Trade Center Ltd, and
跑大军。 Cheng Yong Meng, deputy general manager of China World Trade Center Co Ltd, attended
作为 2017 年北京马拉松赛事的支持商,国贸中心以其自身独特优势和创新 starting ceremonies as distinguished guests.
进取精神为赛事注入了活力,中国大饭店成为本届北京马拉松赛事官方唯 As marathon sponsor, China World injected new vigor and innovation into the annual event.
一指定酒店,国贸大酒店、新国贸饭店、国贸公寓和世纪公寓也成为官方 China World Hotel was honored as the race’s official hotel while China World Summit Wing,
推介酒店和公寓。无论是国贸参赛选手团队,还是博览会展示团队,或是 Hotel Jen Beijing, China World Apartments and China World Century Towers were also highly
在赛道旁的助威团队,他们共同向全社会传递出了“健康快乐、积极向上、 recommended. Whether running or cheering from the sidelines, the whole China World team
团结拼搏、永不放弃”的人生态度,展现出了国贸人“锐意进取、铸就非凡” supported the marathon message of “happiness, optimism, endeavor and never giving up”
的企业精神。 while also showcasing the center’s entrepreneurial spirit: “Inspiring China, Inspiring the World.”