Page 5 - CHINA WORLD No21 九月刊-final
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CHINA WORLD OCTOBER 2017 / 2017 年 10 月刊 05
2017 年 9 月 5 日上午 11 点,“第二届国贸客户摄影比赛”颁奖仪式暨揭幕圆满举 More than 70 prize winners and customer representatives participated in the awards
行,获奖者和客户公司代表约 70 余人出席活动。颁奖仪式由国贸写字楼部总监崔 presentation ceremony and unveiling of an exhibition for the second 2017 China World
强先生主持,国贸股份公司副总经理钟荣明先生代表国贸中心领导向与会嘉宾致辞。 Customer Photography Contest on September 5, 2017. The contest received strong support
国贸有限公司总经理梁师麟先生、副总经理王义杰先生、钱晓瑾女士、股份公司副 and accolade from customers, attracting more than 800 entries. After three months and three
总经理钟荣明先生、副总经理林南春先生、工会主席段超先生、股份公司总经理助 rounds of evaluation and selection, the judges short-listed 190 prize-winning works. All the prize-
理高民先生、商城部总监梁晓丹女士、公寓部总监廖梅珍女士、写字楼部总监崔强 winning photos are on display for a month in the activity zone, near the entrance to the China
先生、世纪公寓部总监吴荣柯先生分别向获得一、二、三等奖的获奖者颁奖。颁奖 World Mall’s membership center in north zone of China World Mall. Mr Cui Qiang, Director of
仪式结束后,股份公司董事长洪敬南先生、副董事长陈延平先生为“第二届国贸客 China World Offices, hosted the proceedings. Mr Cheng Yong Meng, Deputy General Manager
户摄影展”揭幕,洪敬南先生热情邀请所有获奖者及国贸客户代表出席鸡尾酒会。 of China World Trade Center Co., Ltd, delivered an address on behalf of the company’s top
2016 年“第一届国贸客户摄影比赛”的成功举办,获得了广大客户的欢迎,也增 management. Awards were presented to the winners of the first, second and third prizes by
强了国贸中心继续举办大赛的信心。此项活动的举办,不但加强了国贸中心与客户 General Manager Mr David Leung, Deputy General Manager Mr Wang Yijie and Ms Qian
间的互动交流,使国贸中心的气氛更加生动活跃,还让更多的客户和外界认识到国 Xiaojin of China World Trade Center Ltd; Deputy General Manager Mr Cheng Yong Meng and
贸不仅为客户提供高端的办公、住宿和购物场所,也更加注重丰富客户的文化生活。 Mr Lim Lam Choon of China World Trade Center Co., Ltd; Mr Duan Chao, Chairman of Trade
2017 年“第二届国贸客户摄影比赛”的圆满成功,同样获得了客户的大力支持, Union and Assistant General Manager Mr Gao Min of China World Trade Center Co., Ltd; Mr
和广泛好评。此次大赛自今年 5 月份开启以来,吸引了广大客户的踊跃报名,共收 Cui Qiang, Director of China World Offices; Ms Liang Xiaodan, Director of China World Mall;
集到 800 多幅精美参赛照片。历经 3 个多月的三轮评选,最终由资深专家甄选出 Ms Mindy Leow, Director of China World Apartments and Mr Wu Rongke, Director of Century
190 幅获奖作品、优秀作品和入围作品。所有获奖作品将在国贸商城区域三会员中 Towers. Following the ceremony, China World Trade Center Co., Ltd Chairman Mr Ang Keng
心门前活动区展出,历时一个月,欢迎大家前往欣赏。 Lam and Vice Chairman Mr Chen Yanping unveiled the second 2017 China World Customer
为更好地丰富国贸客户的文化生活,国贸中心未来将会为客户举办更多不同题材、 Photography Exhibition. Afterwhich, Mr Ang Keng Lam warmly invited all prize winners and
不同内容的主题活动。 customer representatives to attend a cocktail party.
The first China World Customer Photography Competition in 2016 proved a popular hit
with customers and boosted China World’s confidence in continuing with the contest. The
event strengthened interaction and exchange between China World Trade Center and its
customers, enlivening the atmosphere at the complex. More significantly, the event made
more customers and the outside world realize and understand that China World not only
delivers an upscale working, residential and shopping experience, but also pays attention to
enriching customers' cultural life.
To further enrich the cultural life of customers, China World plans more such events in the future.