Page 10 - CHINA WORLD No27 三月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD MARCH 2018 / 2018 年 3 月刊 10
由丁晟执导,王凯、马天宇、王大陆主演的电影《英雄本色 2018》在 1 月 18 日登 Directed by Ding Sheng, acted by Wang kai, Ma Tianyu and Wang Dalu, the Movie "A
上大银幕。在上映前夕,影片出品人宋歌先生到访酒店,与此次电影的参演者,也 Better tomorrow 2018" is released on Jan 18th. Before the show, the film publisher Mr.
是炼·工场的拳击教练扎卡一起拍摄一部宣传短片。新国贸饭店的小编在炼·工场 Song Ge visited our hotel, and took a short video with the boxing coach of Trainyard, Zhaka,
采访了宋歌先生和扎卡老师。 who is also an actor that participated this film. By taking this chance, we had an interview
with then to talk about their thoughts on movie and fitness.
Jen: 您之前也投资过很多非常卖座的电影,包括《失恋三十三天》,这个电影我们
印象很深刻,因为我们是做酒店的嘛,有一个桥段就是在东方君悦大酒店前的大喷泉, Jen: You have invested so many best sell films, including one called "Love is not blind". There
那个桥段非常令人印象深刻,您这次来到新国贸饭店,您看到这里的场地,有没有 is a plot that filmed in front of a fountain that is ahead of a hotel, which is very impressive.
机会在新国贸饭店取景拍摄一部电影? This time you come to Hotel Jen Beijing, is there a chance that you use this venue to shoot a
宋歌:对,新国贸饭店是新开张的,而且是设施、服务非常好的酒店,那么我们会 film in the future?
考虑将来如果有现代题材的电影会在新国贸饭店来拍摄。愿意和你们合作。 Song Ge: Absolutely, Hotel Jen Beijing is a brand new hotel with advance facilities and
Jen: 那您在北京是不是经常来我们炼·工场? service. If there is a modern film, I will be more than happy to corporate with you.
宋歌:对,我现在每周至少来一次,和扎卡来这里打拳。 Jen: What kind of short video you are shooting at Trainyard this time?
Jen: 您觉得炼·工场拥有什么样的健身环境?是如何吸引到您到这里健身的? Song Ge: I have studied boxing with Coach Zha Ka for 4-5 years. We also published a book
宋歌:因为这里的器材非常齐全,环境非常好,服务也非常好,我觉得是我看到的 about boxing training. This time we shoot a short video about boxing practice and use it on
北京最好的健身场所。 our company's annual party to encourage my staff to do more physical exercise after work.
Jen: 那您也这么喜欢运动,现在运动题材的电影是比较火的,您之后有没有意向投 Jen: How do you think about the environment of Trainyard? And what kind of characteristics
资一部运动题材的电影? that attract you to come here?
宋歌:其实运动题材的电影特别难拍,所以你看《摔跤吧!爸爸》拍摄的很成功, Song Ge: Trainyard has complete equipment and facilities with ideal environment and best
但是你仔细看这部电影,它其实主打的还是感情,体现的父女情,通过运动这么一 service. Personally, I think it is the best fitness center in Beijing.
个事儿还是打得感情。所以我们在考虑,不知道好不好说,之前我们也考虑过林丹, Jen: Since you like sports very much, and the sports movie is popular recently, do you have
就是超级丹来拍摄,都设计过这样题材的电影,都在开发当中。 intention to invest a related movie in the future?
Song Ge: Actually the sports themed movie is difficult to make. Like "Dangal", it is a movie
Jen: 您现在身在炼·工场,那您怎么知道我们这个健身房,又是怎么加入到这里并
express the love between father and daughters. We are writing a script with sports theme
and prepare to invite Lin Dan join this film.
扎卡:因为我之前有一个朋友叫 Thomas,他是某公司的 CEO,他就在这附近住,
他就说扎卡你到这里来炼吧,这个地方特别好,特别适合你,我来了一看确实很好。 Jen: How did you come to Trainyard and become an instructor here?
然后正好赶上 Lawrence(炼·工场总监)到这里来,他经常看我在这里训练,他说 Zha Ka: One of my friend recommend me Trainyard to do exercise. And Lawrence (director
你这拳击这么好,能不能在这里给我们上一堂大课?我说没问题,我为什么写书啊, of Trainyard) found me here and ask me to give a boxing session here. I agreed immediately.
我就想让很多人来了解拳击,学会拳击,通过炼·工场让更多的人知道运用拳击的 That is why we wrote a book about boxing training. I would like to let more people get to
技术等各方面推广。 know boxing and join with me at Trainyard.
Jen: 既然您在这当教练,也在这锻炼,您觉得我们炼·工场和其他的健身房有什么 Jen: As a coach and member of Trainyard, is there any difference between here and other
不一样的地方嘛? fitness center?
扎卡:首先地段,北京最好的地方,国贸。炼·工场在 4 层和 5 层,很多健身房都 Zha Ka: The first thing first is the location. It is at CWTC and 4th-5th floor. And each section
在地下室。这里每个设备都按照功能划分了区域,拳击台在四楼,游泳池,有氧的区域, was separated in different area. We have boxing stage, swimming pool, and aerobic exercise
运动的区域都是分开的,更衣室又大又宽敞,里面又很舒适。这个楼房顶高也很高, area. The staff here is enthusiasm and the facilities are advanced. The most important thing
员工的工作很热情,很好,宝洁把酒店打扫的很干净,无论硬件、软件条件都很好。 is: you have Zha Ka here(Lol).
After the interview, Mr. Song Ge also presented us 15 tickets for the premier of "A Better
在愉快的交谈之后,宋歌先生还送给我们 15 张《英雄本色 2018》首映礼的门票。 Tomorrow 2018". So Jen took Jen’s fans together went to the movie premier, and had a fun
于是Jen就带着Jen的粉丝一起来参加了首映礼,一起度过了一个愉快又难忘的夜晚。 and memorable night.