Page 15 - CHINA WORLD No37 一月刊-final
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CHINA WORLD JANUARY 2019 / 2019 年 1 月刊 15
节日季正是聚会季,想与你的小伙伴们来一场不醉不归、酣畅淋漓的聚会体验吗? Whether it’s with friends, family, or with colleagues (or all THREE), Beersmith’s warm
那就来鲜啤吧组一局吧!这里有爽朗的精酿啤酒,还有多款专供聚会的 Party 套餐 and laid-back atmosphere is the perfect place to host your end-of-year gathering.
供你选择。今年聚会季,来鲜啤吧感受或疯狂,或温情,或悠闲的节日氛围! Our brand-new party menus (all available to groups of at least ten people) make it
今年的年末节日季,鲜啤吧专门推出适合 10 人以上的「圣诞狂欢」 Party 套餐,让 easy to keep guests happy and entertained. Offering the opportunity to really get
宾客们全情投入节日氛围!栗子和葡萄干填充的整只火鸡外加多款配菜摆满整个餐 into the holiday spirit, our Jolly Good X'mas Party will feel just like home with a whole
桌,让幸福感满满而生,火鸡汁与蔓越莓酱的搭配,让整个烤火鸡充满味觉冲击, roasted Christmas turkey with chestnut raisin stuffing.
不管是家庭聚会还是好友组局,来一只“有内涵”的烤火鸡一起其乐融融! For less traditional (but just as festive) gatherings, wow your guests with our Celebrate
除了盆香满溢的烤火鸡,鲜啤吧还有「欢乐相聚」Party 套餐供你选择!这个套餐包 Big menu, complete with hearty dishes like Baked Boston Lobster with Cheese, Crispy
含:芝士波士顿龙虾、脆皮烤猪肘、香煎鹅肝配黄油面包与红酒洋葱酱、烤 T 骨牛 Pork Knuckle and Grilled Australian T - bone. Our All Time Favorites menu is loaded
排搭配芹酱、迷你和牛汉堡、香脆炸鸡翅配辣酱、桶装红薯条等鲜啤吧的招牌菜肴, with Beersmith’s most popular dishes (think Grilled Tiger Prawns with Chimichurri,
让你任性选你所爱! Porter-Marinated Black Pork Ribs and our Grilled Sausage Platter).
当然,你还可以享受鲜啤吧的「信手拈来」Party 套餐!这个套餐更适合休闲畅谈式 If you’re planning a simple cocktail hour, try our Finger Food menu – a lighter range
聚会,香脆炸鸡翅、香肠培根卷、墨鱼圈配塔塔酱、桶装红薯条、玉米片配酸奶油, of snacks and appetizers ideal for more casual get-togethers, like Wagyu Beef Sliders,
还有迷你和牛芝士汉堡,这个聚会必备的零嘴小食可以为你的欢乐助兴! Fried Chicken Wings and Tortilla Chips and Dip.
同时,一个完整的聚会怎么能少了「美酒相伴」和「甜蜜大结局」? 精酿啤酒作为 A party cannot be perfect without the extras, so don’t forget about drinks and
鲜啤吧的招牌特饮和聚会的首选饮品,一定会为你的 Party 锦上添花!除此之外, dessert. Pair your meal with free - flow craft beer and house wines, and finish off the
这里还有店选红酒和软饮果汁选择。为了让你的 Party 更加幸福满满,鲜啤吧还准 meal with a sweet bite like Chocolate Lava Cake, Marble Cheesecake or Black Forrest
备了巧克力熔岩蛋糕、大理石芝士蛋糕和黑森林蛋糕等甜品,为你的聚会再加点料。 Cake, all available a la carte.