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CHINA WORLD   JANUARY 2019 / 2019 年 1 月刊  11


                                                         —— 体验怀石艺术·尽在滩万

                                                         EXPERIENCE TRADITIONAL JAPANESE SETS

                                                         AND INNOVATIVE DISHES AT NADAMAN

           宏明的日料烹饪经验长达 28 年,他带领滩万厨师团队为新老饕客带来一场温暖灵
           之间的桥梁,通过他们一丝不苟的烹调,让食客享用到最地道的天然美味。每一                                With a rich two-century-old tradition of fine Japanese cuisine and gracious hospitality,
           次享用日本料理,都是与大自然的亲密接触。                                               Nadaman at China World Summit Wing, Beijing treats discerning diners to traditional
           每一种食材都是来自大自然无私的馈赠,一名优秀的料理师必会心存敬畏和感激,                               Japanese cuisine, such as Kaiseki.
           毫无保留地将这份诚意融入到食物的烹调中。滩万日餐厅新菜单涵盖了营养搭配                                Japanese food is natural, tasty, diverse, sophisticated and well-adjusted in terms of
           的午、晚间套餐,精致清爽的开胃菜和沙拉、种类各异的握寿司和寿司卷、香脆                                ingredient selection and preparation. To be sure, following the scent of the essence
           酥嫩的炸物和烤物、肥厚鲜美的海鲜刺身、即烹即食的铁板料理,以及可以让食                                is the first spirit of Japanese cuisine, a bridge between the food users and nature,
           客大快朵颐的肉类和热锅料理,更有丰富多样的面饭料理和口感馥郁的甜沁小品。                               and the natural delicacy of the meal to be enjoyed by the diners through meticulous
           款款皆注重“色、香、味、器”四者的和谐统一。                                             cooking. Every time a Japanese dish is consumed, it is an intimate encounter with
           作为极具地方特色的谷物原汁酒,清澈透明、香气宜人、丰厚醇和、余味柔顺的                                nature.
           清酒可谓是日本的国粹。滩万日餐厅可供应多达 46 种精选进口清酒,有来自于日                             All ingredients are selfless gifts from nature, and a good chef is bound to be awed and
           本各地的纯米大吟酿酒、大吟酿酒、纯米吟酿酒、纯米酒和本酿造酒。较其他酒                                grateful; he incorporates his sincerity into the cooking of the food without reservation.
           水而言,清酒显得更加内敛包容,而且富含氨基酸,极大地提升了食物整体的质                                The dishes range from staples like fresh Sashimi and Grilled Eel to the more avant-
           感与鲜美。以酒配餐,才是绝妙的用餐体验。                                               garde selections from our kaiseki set menus, which are sure to astound with their
           滩万餐厅室内设计由斯蒂克曼公司与著名的灯光设计师麦克莱伦联手完成,餐厅                                intense attention to detail and unparalleled freshness.
           中心顶部犹如日本垂柳树的雕塑,与照明系统巧妙地结合在一起。店内陈设处处                                Nadaman has an extensive selection of superior sakes, such as daiginjyo, jyunmai and
           显现出创意与传统风格的融合,低调中彰显奢华。滩万“树”由铝制筷子造型覆盖,                              jyunmai daiginjyo sake, from various regions in Japan, as well as an extensive range
           纵横交错,结合延伸到天花板上的“树枝”,覆盖了整个空间。餐桌上方的“垂柳”                              of flavours of trendy shochu – Japanese spirits. Compared with other wines, sake is
           式悬挂物,打造出多维、神秘、大气的整体效果,使人感觉仿佛置身于大自然的                                enriched with amino acids, which greatly enhance the overall texture and beauty of
           安详之中,在繁华的 CBD 商圈为日料爱好者营造出城中难得的静谧。                                  the food.  It creates the perfect dining experience.
           滩万日餐厅午餐时间为中午 11:30 至下午 2:00,晚餐时间为下午 5:30 至晚间                       A focal design highlight of Nadaman’s interiors is a central piece d’resistance, a
           10:00。                                                             sculptural interpretation of the Japanese weeping willow tree. Designed by design
           Nadaman opens daily for lunch from 11:30am to 2pm and for dinner from 5:30 to
           10pm                                                               consultancy firm Stickman Tribe in conjunction with renowned lighting designer Beau
                (86-10) 8571 6459         bjcwsw  McClellan, it is part-sculpture, part-lighting feature.
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