Page 18 - CHINA WORLD No57十一月刊-FINAL-
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CHINA WORLD   NOVEMBER 2020 / 2020 年 11 月刊  18





           金风送爽,丹桂飘香,中国大饭店积极响应上级号召,在履行酒店“安心守护承诺”                              As the year has gone on, China World Hotel, Beijing has actively responded to the call to
           的同时从全方位积极开展复工复产工作,以坚定的信心朝着更高的目标迈进。                                 resume normal work and has moved forward with confidence while actively safeguarding
           今年,中国大饭店迎来了 30 周年庆典,夏宫作为香格里拉集团的旗舰型中式经                              the wellbeing of both its staff and its guests.
           典菜系品牌开启了崭新的一页,推出以粤菜、淮扬菜和北京烤鸭为招牌特色的                                 The year 2020 marks the hotel’s 30th anniversary. As the flagship Chinese cuisine brand
           全新菜单。同时,咖啡苑也推出了京城饕餮美食新概念,行政总厨张景洲先生                                 of Shangri-La Group, Summer Palace launched an updated menu featuring its three
           选取人气排名的前八款美食为食客们带来大快朵颐的美食体验。中国大饭店还                                 signature cuisines: Cantonese, Huaiyang, and Beijing. Scene a Café also introduced a new
           牵手伯爵,Wedgwood 和宝珀演绎奢华主题下午茶。                                        “gluttonous concept” created by Executive Chef Stephen Teo based around eight of the
           黄金周期间,中国大饭店共承接各式婚宴 19 场,与数千位宾客共同见证幸福时                              most popular dishes among the restaurant’s guests. The hotel also cooperated with brands
           刻;10 月 7 日和 8 日,在中国国家会议中心举办的秋季婚博会上,中国大饭店                           like Piaget, Wedgwood, and Blancpain to launch luxury themed afternoon tea sets.
           共接待 106 对新人,并针对宾客的需求制订一站式安心、贴心的全套婚宴方案;                             During the week-long National Day holiday, China World Hotel hosted 19 wedding
           10 月 14 日,华艺国际拍卖会在会议大厅盛大开幕。                                        banquets, witnessing thousands of happy moments. On 7-8 October, at the Fall Wedding
           雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。时值 2020 年末,中国大饭店将进一步提升                             Expo held at the China National Convention Center, China World Hotel met with 106
           “安心守护承诺”,把更加全面的安全举措融入独特的亚洲式待客之道,做好                                 couples, helping them to plan their dream wedding. On 14 October, Huayi International
           充分的准备迎接宾客回家。                                                       held an auction at the hotel’s conference hall.
                                                                                               As the end of 2020 approaches, China World Hotel will maintain
                                                                                               its commitment to offering a blend of Asian hospitality and
                                                                                               peace-of-mind safety measures, welcoming guests home with
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