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CHINA WORLD   NOVEMBER 2020 / 2020 年 11 月刊  16


                                                    IN CONVERSATION WITH SUMMER ONVERSATION WITH SUMMER
                                                    IN C

                                                    PALACE’S HEAD CHEF, KENNY CHAN
                                                    PALACE’S HEAD CHEF, KENNY CHAN

           粤菜历史悠久,起源于距今两千多年前的汉初,在发展演变中,不断吸收外地特                                Cantonese cuisine has a long history, filled with many tales dating back more than
           别是中国北方烹饪技艺和西餐烹饪技艺,灵活善变,贯通中西。寻味在北京,在                                2,000 years to the Han dynasty.  Over the centuries, Cantonese cuisine has absorbed
           京城 CBD 里的超五星酒店里吃一顿正宗的粤式美味,是种什么样的体验?今天,                             influences from other places, particularly northern China and the West, creating a flexible
           我们和夏宫中餐厅行政总厨陈坚师傅一起开启粤式味蕾之旅。                                        and changeable style of food that unites East and West.  So, what can you expect from
           中国大饭店的夏宫中餐厅,一向是京城粤菜的翘楚。                                            Cantonese cuisine in a five-star hotel in Beijing?  Today, we are taking a culinary tour with
           作为香格里拉集团中式经典菜系的品牌餐厅,夏宫一直保持着“国宴”水准和品质,                              the executive chef of the Summer Palace restaurant, Kenny Chan.
           并入选了 2020 年北京米其林指南“米其林餐盘奖”。夏宫中餐厅精选中国具有                             Summer Palace has always been at the forefront of Cantonese cuisine in Beijing.
           代表的粤、淮、京三大菜系,为食客们提供匠心传承的中式美食。典雅的就餐环                                As the flagship Chinese restaurant of the Shangri-La Group, Summer Palace maintains
           境颇具传统中式风格,酒店员工热情好客、亲如一家的服务,更是为宾客提供了                                an exceptional level of quality, and in 2020 the restaurant was awarded a Michelin Plate
           美好而难忘的用餐体验。                                                        by the Beijing Michelin Guide.  Summer Palace serves three iconic Chinese cuisines:
                                                                              Cantonese, Huaiyang, and Beijing.  The traditional Chinese-style dining environment and
           生于斯长于斯:粤式魅力根植                                                      the friendly, discrete staff create an unforgettable experience.
           色香味美的粤菜佳肴环境中耳濡目染,深谙其菜系精髓,至今已经拥有 30 多年                              Cantonese, born and bred
           的烹饪经验。1992 年,陈师傅带着他所专长的粤菜技艺来京城闯荡。在那个还                              The Executive Chef of Summer Palace restaurant, Kenny Chan, was born and brought up
           使用外汇券的年代,圆桌式宴请是中外友人商务交流的桥梁,夏宫的粤式菜系开                                in Hong Kong, a global hub of Cantonese cuisine.
           启了国外友人对中国餐饮的全新认知。                                                  In 1992, Kenny brought his Cantonese cooking skills to Beijing.  At a time when foreign
           然而,由于气候和地域的原因,京城中粤菜的食材调料匮乏,质量参差不齐,寻                                exchange certificates were still the most common currency, Summer Palace’s round dining
           找优质的食材和调料便成了最大的难题。为了解决这个棘手的问题,陈师傅说,                                tables became a field of international exchange, and Cantonese food marked the first step
           每年,他都会亲自前往各美食之乡进行探索,从本味食材的鲜美中获得灵感,来                                into Chinese cuisine for many foreign visitors.
           为夏宫餐厅研发令味蕾得到极致享受的应季菜品,每一次新菜的推出,都会让食                                However, for a number of reasons, Cantonese ingredients were not always that easy
           客感受美味直抵内心的魅力。                                                      to find in Beijing at the time, and the quality needed improving.  Finding high quality
                                                                              ingredients became a big problem for Kenny.  To compensate, every year he would
           经典粤菜 : 匠心与生活的交融                                                    personally visit suppliers and producers, drawing inspiration from the ingredients he found
           在夏宫中餐厅中,麒麟古法星斑球等,均是很多顾客逢到必点的菜品。                                    to create new seasonal dishes for Summer Palace, which were always a hit with diners.
           冬笋、南瓜等精美石材同台演绎,运用古法蒸制,让鱼肉与火腿的味道完美融合。                               Classic Cantonese: An expression of craftsmanship
           摆盘形状呈整齐麟状,别具一格。                                                    Summer Palace’s signature dishes include Braised Spot Garoupa with Ham, Mushroom
           此外,提到粤式菜系,还不得不提粤菜独特的口感――甜。甜品在粤菜中可谓是“独                              and Bamboo Shoot, Sweetened Red Bean Soup with Dried Orange Peel.
           秀一枝”,陈师傅还推荐了夏宫的“头牌”甜品――陈皮红豆沙,这是一款家喻                                Braised Spot Garoupa with Ham, Mushroom and Bamboo Shoot
           户晓的广东传统甜品,清肺解热。夏宫选用 15 年的新会陈皮,将红豆先蒸后去皮,                            This intricate classical Cantonese dish uses deep-sea coral Grouper, which is deboned
           全过程纯手工制作,入口丝滑,阵阵陈皮清香,吃完口齿留香,回味无穷。                                  and then steamed with fine slices of Jinhua Ham, Shiitake Mushrooms, Winter Melon,
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